Key Learning ◦ General tool and machine safety is important to know, understand, and follow when working in an engineering lab. Unit Essential Question ◦ What are the safety procedures for the tools and machines in an engineering lab?
Lesson Essential Question ◦ What are the names and uses for hand tools used in the lab?
Vocabulary ◦ tri-square ◦ T-Bevel square ◦ Claw hammer ◦ wood chisel ◦ Nail set ◦ tape measure ◦ Steel rule ◦ Plastic Mallet ◦ Raw Hide ◦ flat screwdriver ◦ Phillips screwdriver ◦ Diagonal cutter ◦ Utility knife ◦ Rasp ◦ C-clamp ◦ Wood clamp ◦ Quick Bar Clamp ◦ bench vise ◦ Exacto knife ◦ Putty knife ◦ Cordless Drill ◦ Scissors ◦ Push Pins ◦ Twist bit ◦ Countersink bit ◦ Battery charger ◦ Battery ◦ Hole saw ◦ Sandpaper ◦ Sanding block ◦ Glue gun ◦ Screw driver bits
Lesson Essential Question ◦ What are the names of the machines and how are they used safely?
Vocabulary ◦ Table Saw ◦ Miter Saw ◦ Band Saw ◦ Scroll Saw ◦ Drill Press ◦ Disc Sander ◦ Belt Sander
Key Learning ◦ Engineers use the Technological Design Process to solve all problems. Unit Essential Question ◦ Why does an Engineer use the Technological Design Loop?
Vocabulary ◦ Identify ◦ Brainstorm ◦ Decide ◦ Design ◦ Evaluate ◦ Re-design ◦ Build
Key Learning ◦ A cantilever is a unique structure used by Engineers for a variety of applications. Unit Essential Question ◦ Why would an Engineer choose to use a cantilever design for the construction of a structure?
Lesson Essential Question ◦ What is the best way to construct the longest cantilever and support a weight?
Vocabulary ◦ Beam ◦ Shear Stress ◦ Truss
Key Learning ◦ Civil Engineers are faced with the challenge of designing efficient transportation systems for people and freight. Unit Essential Question ◦ What are the challenges of using a fixed route transportation system?
Vocabulary ◦ Fixed Route ◦ Fixture ◦ 2 sheets of newspaper ◦ 2 paper clips ◦ 12” masking tape ◦ 2 straws ◦ 3 pieces 8 ½” x 11” notebook paper ◦ 1 clothespin
Lesson Essential Question ◦ How can an item be transported efficiently from one point to another?
Key Learning ◦ A parachute can be designed many different ways and still work properly. Unit Essential Question ◦ What are the ways an Engineer could design and build a successful parachute?
Vocabulary ◦ 1 plastic bag ◦ 1 piece of newspaper ◦ 10 staples ◦ 1 Dixie cup ◦ 2 feet of string ◦ 2 rubber bands ◦ 6” masking tape ◦ 5 paper clips ◦ 10 index cards 5”x8” ◦ Hot glue (as needed) ◦ Canopy ◦ Gores ◦ Vent ◦ Suspension Lines ◦ Payload ◦ Risers ◦ Pure Drag ◦ Lift Producing
Lesson Essential Question ◦ How can a parachute be designed to successfully save an egg from a drop?
Key Learning ◦ Engineers must be able to solve problems dealing with mechanical parts. Unit Essential Question ◦ What must an Engineer be able to do when working on mechanical systems?
Vocabulary ◦ Launcher ◦ stationary position ◦ Zones ◦ Radius ◦ Bucket ◦ Payload ◦ Arm ◦ Rope ◦ Spring ◦ Frame ◦ restraining rope
Lesson Essential Question ◦ How is an automated basketball shooter designed and constructed to get the most baskets?