OUR Louisiana 2020: Building The Workforce of tomorrow
Community & Technical Colleges
NATION’S FASTEST GROWING COLLEGES- ENROLLMENT Numbers do not include: Over 35,000 Workforce contract training Over 33,000 Adult Basic Education students
But… The Buzz is All About The Completion Agenda. Who is Getting It Done?
Nation’s Fastest Growing Colleges- credentials Since 2006-07, Credentials Have Increased 102 % NOTE: The original slide you used as Press Club showed a base in 2006-2007 as 4,7xx. That is because an error was made in the data pull and did not include less than two year colleges in that time frame. Since then, that error has been corrected and CTCC, NWLTC, and FTCC are included in 2013-2014. The change is dramatic but these numbers are accurate. 2008-09 dips due to hurricane activity, 2012-2013 corresponds to the implementation of Banner which presented prior data issues. There were also some issues with colleges not entering completers.
Community and Technical Colleges Return Louisiana’s Investment State Funding Per Completer Annual Louisiana Salary Earnings From New Completers
What does Louisiana need from its Community and technical colleges?
Workforce POOL 4.6 Million Louisiana Population 2.3 Million 670,000 High School Diploma Post-Secondary Credential High School Diploma No Post-Secondary Credential Some College 530,000 2.3 Million Non-Working Population 2.3 Million Working Adult Population 525,000 High School Diploma No Post-Secondary Credential 600,000 No High School Diploma No Post-Secondary Credential
Educational alignment To High Demand job openings 2.3 Million 100% 670,000 High School Diploma Post-Secondary Credential High School Diploma No Post-Secondary Credential Some College 530,000 525,000 High School Diploma No Post-Secondary Credential No High School Diploma No Post-Secondary Credential 600,000 Source: LWC Long-term Occupational Forecast
Defining the workforce gap Annual Job Openings Annual Completions Demand Gap Rationale: ensures that funds are targeted to areas of greatest unmet need
Laser focus on Demand Gap Tier One Two Three Critical Fields - Economic Driver Industries 4 & 5 Star Jobs Critical Fields – Healthcare & Education Other Priorities 1, 2, & 3 Star Jobs
Louisiana’s Workforce Need is Great Louisiana’s workforce forecast projects an ADDITIONAL ANNUAL job demand of over 14,000 “Tier One” jobs 4-Year 2,085 annual completers 2-Year 12,152 annual completers This is a result of LED informing us that the original chart (refer to earlier presentation) was “…not as detailed as the information we have today.” The current information, mapping, and crosswalks has resulted in these numbers. Put another way, the Tier 1 data has been refined since it’s creation almost a year ago (by LED/LWC) and the 4 & 5 Star Job data is based on current and accurate CIP codes. LED has indicated that the slide that we took their materials is dated and should not be used. 85% of additional jobs will be supplied by 2 year colleges Source: Louisiana Economic Development and Louisiana Workforce Commission Gap Analysis for the WISE Act. Note: each represents 10 individuals.
“Tier One” Jobs Requiring Community or Technical College Education - Annual Completers Compared to Targeted State Needs - + 547 + 4,648 + 1,001 + 493 + 768 + 2,613 + 2,208 Source: Louisiana Economic Development and Louisiana Workforce Commission Gap Analysis
OUR LOUISIANA 2020 Double graduates to 40,000 annually with a focus on increasing graduates in high demand fields. Double earnings of an annual graduating class to $1.5 Billion Quadruple transfer students to universities to 10,000 annually Double students served to 325,000 annually Quadruple partnerships with businesses to 1,000 annually Double foundation assets to $50 million