M ain H eadings M ain H eadings Short History. Advantages. Disadvantages. Mob Communication in Pakistan.
S hort H istory It was basically started in Germany in In 1982 the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations founded a working group.
S hort H istory (contd.) 1987 the Global System for Mobile (GSM) communications standard was available in Switzerland the first devices are presented. In 1995 SMS was available
A dvantages It is the fastest way to communicate all around the world. The cost of messaging and talking to people wirelessly is significantly lower. It helps everyone in there daily life and its becomes a very essential part of our life. Mobile Technology is playing an increasing role in disaster awareness. We can use MMS, GPRS, WAP etc Services.
D isadvantages Cyber bullying is also another issue among the disadvantages of mobile phones. Emergence of mobile phones is losing good habits, such as punctuality. People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems. Symptoms caused by the radiation of mobile phones are one of the most argued problems. Mobile phone addiction is a big social problem.
M ob. C omm. in P akistan Telecom sector is seeing exorbitant growth in Pakistan. The sector is said to be growing at a pace of 170 percent yearly. Mobile subscribers are million as of October 2008 There are various Telecom companies in Pakistan.