“Fire Extinguishers” An Introduction to “Fire Extinguishers”
SOME COMMON FIRE CLASSIFICATIONS “ Ordinary” combustibles P aper, wood, rubber, plastics and textiles. “Flammable liquids” Oil, petrol, solvents “ Live Electrical equipment ” equipment and computers E
HOW THEY EXTINGUISH CLASS A FIRES: Works by cooling. Use on paper, wood, rubber, plastic & textile fires.
Works by blanketing the fuel. Works by blanketing the fuel. Interrupts chemical reaction at fuel surface. Interrupts chemical reaction at fuel surface. Use on flammable liquids e.g. oil, gas, solvent fires HOW THEY EXTINGUISH CLASS B FIRES:
Works by displacing oxygen, smothering fire. Use on electrical equipment E HOW THEY EXTINGUISH CLASS E FIRES: use on live electrical equipment
Portable Fire Extinguishers Can be CARRIED to a fire Weigh from ~2kg to ~13kg
LIMITED IN: Capacity -. 5kg to 11kg approx of extinguishing agent Range - Typically 1m to 6m Duration - Discharge their contents in only 5 to 45 seconds ! Portable Fire Extinguishers
Extinguisher Common features Safety pin (and plastic tamper tag) Carrying handle / operating lever Pressure gauge Label : –Type (Water, C02, Dry Chemical) –Classification (A, B, E) –Capacity Rating (in Kg) –Instructions Discharge nozzle or horn E
WATER Propellant: compressed air or nitrogen ONLY for Class firesONLY for Class fires –wood / paper, etc.
DRY CHEMICAL MULTI-PURPOSE RATED Best for general use: Reduced risk of re-ignition A 4.5kg DCP unit can last upto 20s. –Effective range of 2m to 6m EitherOr EE
C0 2 - Rated Best on burning liquids / electrical SHORT range – 1m to 2m 2kg, 3.5kg and 5kg extinguishers available DISPERSES QUICKLY! Unit gets VERY cold - hold properly E E
In case of burning odour or smoke : Raise the alarm! Call Emergency Services or 112 for mobile phones, First! Disconnect Equipment if safe to do so –Remove combustibles, ONLY IF SAFE TO DO SO Notify Other Staff and Wardens
fire or smoke RACE upon discovery of fire or smoke R emove persons in immediate danger! A lert others and Emergency Services C ontain fire and smoke (close doors) E vacuate &/or extinguish
Use a portable extinguisher ONLY if the: Fire Service has been called ( Dial or 112 mobiles)* EXIT IS CLEAR (fight fire with your back to an exit ) Proper extinguisher is at hand, and... – You have been trained and know how to use it! * If practicable
Remember the PASS word: 1) Keep your back to a clear escape route, 2) Stand back 2m to 5m from the fire, 3) Then >>: P.A.S.S. P ULL A IM S QUEEZE S WEEP
PULL the pin
AIM LOW at the base of the fire
SQUEEZE the lever
SWEEP from side to side (slowly)
OK, It’s out… Now What? WATCH the fire area –If the fire flares up again repeat! –If you can’t control the fire, LEAVE immediately! Recharge or replace any used fire extinguisher!
Use of Fire Extinguishers22 The End
Use of Fire Extinguishers23 Prepared by: Deirdre Huppatz, Chief Fire Warden for Lower North District Office Staff Reviewed by FSI Fire Safety Training (A Division of Chubb Fire Australia) Unit 1, 49 Holland Street, Thebarton SA 5031 Telephone (08) Fax (08) FFE Building Services ABN John Hisco, Project Officer Training, DECS October 2003