Monoxide of carbon Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, toxic gas that has the molecular formula CO. Carbon Monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion of the fossil fuels - gas, oil, coal and wood It is also formed in many chemical reactions and in the thermal or incomplete decomposition of many organic materials. is the the most toxic substance you'll come into contact with in your daily life. In your home, at work, garage, car, caravan & boat. There are hundreds of fatalities every year from Carbon Monoxide The only solution is the CO detectorsCO detectors Vocabulary Colorless -> no color Odorless -> no odor Tasteless -> you can’t test it fossil fuels -> oil -> coal -> Wood -> bois
Carbon Monoxide produces the following physiological effects on people exposed to the concentrations shown: Concentration of CO in airInhalation time and toxic developed 50 parts per million (ppm) Safety level as specified by the Health and Safety Executive 200 PPM Slight headache within 2-3 hours 400 PPMFrontal headache within 1-2 hours, becoming widespread in 3 hours 800 PPMDizziness, nausea, convulsions within 45 minutes, insensible in 2 hours Carbon Monoxide poisons by entering the lungs via the normal breathing mechanism and displacing oxygen from the bloodstream. Interruption of the normal supply of oxygen puts at risk the functions of the heart, brain and other vital functions of the body. The above information is for a healthy adult. Persons suffering from heart or respiratory health problems, infants and small children, unborn children, expectant mothers and pets can be affected by CO poisoning more quickly than others in the house and may be the first to show symptoms vocabulary Health -> la respiration CO molecule -> Headache -> maux de tète Widespread -> more important Dizziness -> vertiges Lungs -> les poumons Breath -> la respiration Bloodstream -> flux sanguin Supply -> apport Health -> santé Unborn -> non né expectant mothers -> femme enceinte PPM -> Unité de proportion = part-par-million. exemple : 100ppm = 100 / de litre, de kilo, 0.1 mg / L, 0.1 ml / L,....
It’s produced by combution or oxidation of materials containing carbon like coal, wood or oil. It’s also producted by an natural process Carbon dioxide is used in the extinguish to extinguish the fair Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas.its composed of 1 atom of carbon and 2 atom of oxygen.its formul is CO2. It was discovered in 1754by joseph black an britanic. Joseph Black -> CO2 molecule -> < - extinguish