The Montessori Method Ideas to Foster the Development of the Whole Child
The Montessori Method Dr. Montessori approached education with the whole child in mind. This presentation explores key aspects of her method, and its applications inside today’s classroom. Dr. Montessori approached education with the whole child in mind. This presentation explores key aspects of her method, and its applications inside today’s classroom.
Observe the Child
Why: Carefully observing the child helps us identify a child’s developmental needs, and make informed decisions. Why: Carefully observing the child helps us identify a child’s developmental needs, and make informed decisions.
Observe the Child How: Set aside time to observe a child. How does the child interact with the environment? With peers? How does the child interact with the environment? With peers? What activities engage the child? What activities engage the child? What can the child do independently? What can the child do independently? What changes could be made in the environment to foster independence? To provide more challenge? What changes could be made in the environment to foster independence? To provide more challenge?
Follow the Child
Why: Dr. Montessori is clear in her own writings that the child is to be the central figure around which all other decisions are weighed and made. The work that the child accomplishes is intended to directly serve his or her academic, social, emotional and physical needs, and so no single plan fits every child. Why: Dr. Montessori is clear in her own writings that the child is to be the central figure around which all other decisions are weighed and made. The work that the child accomplishes is intended to directly serve his or her academic, social, emotional and physical needs, and so no single plan fits every child. Odyssey Montessori Odyssey Montessori
Follow the Child How:
Prepare the Environment
Why: In the calm, ordered space of the Montessori prepared environment, children work on activities of their own choice at their own pace. They experience a blend of freedom and self-discipline in a place especially designed to meet their developmental needs. Why: In the calm, ordered space of the Montessori prepared environment, children work on activities of their own choice at their own pace. They experience a blend of freedom and self-discipline in a place especially designed to meet their developmental needs. North American Montessori Teacher’s Association
Prepare the Environment How:
Entice the Child to Learn
Why: Why: “The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.” -Maria Montessori
Allow Freedom Within Limits
Why: Children are free to work at their own pace with materials they have chosen, either alone or with others. The teacher relies on his or her observations of the children to determine which new activities and materials may be introduced to an individual child or to a small or large group. The aim is to encourage active, self-directed learning and to strike a balance of individual mastery within small group collaboration within the whole group community. --Casa Montessori Inc. Why: Children are free to work at their own pace with materials they have chosen, either alone or with others. The teacher relies on his or her observations of the children to determine which new activities and materials may be introduced to an individual child or to a small or large group. The aim is to encourage active, self-directed learning and to strike a balance of individual mastery within small group collaboration within the whole group community. --Casa Montessori Inc.
Allow Freedom within Limits How: How:
State Observations vs. Judgments.
Why: When we note behavior in a neutral voice, we give the child the opportunity to make her own evaluations, and decide how she will respond. Why: When we note behavior in a neutral voice, we give the child the opportunity to make her own evaluations, and decide how she will respond.
State Observations vs. Judgments. How: If a child leaves a chair pushed out, simply state your observation aloud. “I see Jessie’s chair is out. “ This gives the child the opportunity to evaluate the situation, and decide how to respond. The child or a classmate have the opportunity to take responsibility for the situation. How: If a child leaves a chair pushed out, simply state your observation aloud. “I see Jessie’s chair is out. “ This gives the child the opportunity to evaluate the situation, and decide how to respond. The child or a classmate have the opportunity to take responsibility for the situation.
Extinguish Negative Behavior By Limiting Choices
Why: A number of ground rules help preserve the order of the classroom as the students move about. For example, the child is free to move around the classroom at will, to talk to other children, to work with any material he understands. He is allowed to choose where he would like to work and for how long, or to ask the teacher to introduce new material to him. However, a child is not allowed to interfere with other children at work or to mistreat the material that is so important to the child's development. Why: A number of ground rules help preserve the order of the classroom as the students move about. For example, the child is free to move around the classroom at will, to talk to other children, to work with any material he understands. He is allowed to choose where he would like to work and for how long, or to ask the teacher to introduce new material to him. However, a child is not allowed to interfere with other children at work or to mistreat the material that is so important to the child's development. --- Montessori World
Extinguish Negative Behavior By Limiting Choices How: How:
Employ Natural Consequences
Why: Natural consequences motivate children to analyze situations and make decisions based on wisdom, rather than make decisions based on what they perceive the adult will do to them (punishment) or for them (reward). Why: Natural consequences motivate children to analyze situations and make decisions based on wisdom, rather than make decisions based on what they perceive the adult will do to them (punishment) or for them (reward).
Employ Natural Consequences How: How:
Provide Logical Consequences
Provide Logical Consequences. Why: Although natural consequences work, they may be too severe to be reasonable or too time delayed to be effective. In such cases, logical consequences can be provided. Why: Although natural consequences work, they may be too severe to be reasonable or too time delayed to be effective. In such cases, logical consequences can be provided.
Provide Logical Consequences. How:
Utilize Multi-age Groups.
Why: Dr. Montessori advocated a three year span so students could go through a learning cycle: Novice Novice Practitioner Practitioner Master Master This cycle allows students to have support as they learn new skills, practice skills until mastery, and then mentor younger students. Research suggest that students retain 80% of what they learn when they are given the opportunity to teach others. This cycle allows students to have support as they learn new skills, practice skills until mastery, and then mentor younger students. Research suggest that students retain 80% of what they learn when they are given the opportunity to teach others.
Utilize Multi-age Groups. How: Novice, practitioner, master Retain 8o%
Consider How Each Piece Fits
Consider How the Pieces Fit. How: Novice, practitioner, master Retain 8o%
Consider How the Pieces Fit. How: