Standardized Emergency Codes Code of Many Colors: Standardized Emergency Codes and Emergency Alerts Karmanos Cancer Center Environment of Care 2009
Standardized Emergency Codes Code Red – Fire Code Blue – Adult Medical Emergency Code White – Pediatric Medical Emergency Code Brown – Neonatal Medical Emergency Code Yellow – Bomb Threat Code Gray – Combative Person Code Pink – Infant Abduction (<1 year-old) Code Purple – Child Abduction Code Silver – Person with Weapon/Hostage Code Black – Severe Weather Code Orange – Hazardous Material Spill/Release Code Evac – Evacuation of Patients Required Code Violet – Radiation Incident Code Triage Internal – Internal Disaster Code Triage External – External Disaster Standardized Emergency Codes
Code Red - Fire Smoke or Fire Situation – Follow the RACE and PASS acronyms below. Be able to locate the following in your department/unit: Nearest extinguishers and pull alarm boxes Evacuation plan and two exit routes in your assigned area (RACE): R = Rescue anyone in Immediate danger A = Alarm activate the alarm, notify appropriate personnel C = Confine and contain by closing doors E = Extinguish small fire, if trained (PASS): P = Pull the pin A = Aim nozzle at base of the fire S = Squeeze the handle S = Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the fire
Medical Emergency Codes To facilitate the arrival of crash cart and specialized personnel to the location of an individual found in cardiac or respiratory arrest. Action: Call hospital operator to announce the specific code and location Code Blue – Adult Medical Emergency (Persons 8 years of age or greater) Code White – Pediatric Medical Emergency (Persons 8 years of age or less) Code Brown – Neonatal Medical Emergency (Patients of infant ages)
Code Yellow – Bomb Threat To facilitate the notification of a bomb or threat of a bomb (suspicious package). Action: Take all reports of a bomb seriously. Keep caller on line, obtain as much information as possible. Complete the Bomb Threat Form. Contact Security. Code Gray – Combative Person To facilitate the management and de-escalation of an abusive or assaultive person. Action: Do not attempt to intervene. Contact security giving your full name. Provide as much information as possible about the incident; giving the location of the incident, number of persons involved, injuries and any weapons (if applicable). Notify supervisor as soon as possible.
Infant/Child Abduction To protect infants/children from removal by unauthorized persons. Initiated when an infant/child are missing or is known to have been kidnapped. Action: Notify Security immediately Give as much information as possible Secure all exits. A search of the building and grounds will be conducted by designated individuals. Code Pink – Infant Abduction (< 1 years of age) Code Purple – Child Abduction
Code Silver – Person with a Weapon/ Hostage Initiated when there is an individual in possession of a weapon, or one who has taken hostages. Action: Clear area to avoid others being endangered. Call security to report the situation. Report as much information as possible. Code Black – Severe Weather Initiated when unsafe weather conditions exist in the area. Action: Close blinds, drapes, and unit doors Reassure patients and visitors Move patients from rooms to hallways. Cover non-ambulatory patients with blankets to avoid injury from debris.
Code Orange – Hazardous Material Spill/Release To initiate prompt response in the event of a hazardous material spill or release ensuring the proper disposal of material. Action: Incidental Spills: Trained users clean up small spills, using the appropriate personal protective equipment, and decontamination materials. These spill represent NO hazard to trained employees or the environment. Materials must be appropriately disposed of and Environmental Service should be contacted for secondary cleanup. Emergency Spill: Spills which may present a hazard to people or the environment or the effects are unknown. Isolate the spill (evacuate). Deny entry to others and notify the supervisor. Contact the Safety Officer 576-8047.
Code Evac – Evacuation of Patients Required To facilitate the evacuation of patients when remaining in area may be hazardous to life, health and safety. Action: Upon notification, evacuate ambulatory, wheelchair, then bedridden patients. Take records if safety permits. Follow department plan. Report to designated assembly area and account for all who were in previous area. Report evacuation status and identify persons not accounted for to the “Incident Commander.” Code Violet – Radiation Incident To initiate prompt response in the event of a radiation incident or release of radioactive material. Action: Isolate spill area and deny (evacuate) entry to others. Notify supervisor and security. Notify Radiation Safety Officer.
Code Triage: Internal Disaster To prepare the facility for an influx of patients due to an internal disaster. Action: If at work, return to department. Complete assigned duties. If at home, report as instructed. Implement department disaster plan. Perform employee call back procedures when instructed to do so or when additional staffing is required. Follow instructions of your facility. Complete the disaster evaluation form. Code Triage: External Disaster To prepare the facility for an influx of patients due to an external disaster. Action: If at work, return to department. Complete assigned duties. If at home, report as instructed. Implement department disaster plan. Perform employee call back procedures when instructed to do so or when additional staffing is required. Follow instructions of your facility. Complete the disaster evaluation form.
Standardized Emergency Alerts Birth Alert – Newborn Delivery (Outside Labor and Delivery Area) Utility Alert (State the Utility) – Utility Alert (Elevator, HVAC, Water, Medical Gases, Power, Steam) Green Alert – Patient Medical Duress. This Alert is used only at Rehabilitation Institute or the Brazsa Center. The overhead can be heard at KCC but there is no response by KCC employees. Emergency plans are kept in your department’s Emergency Binders.
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