Project Overview Mike Mitchem Brian Donaldson Steve Hudson Glen Skinner Group Leader Hardware Design Software Design
NextPrevious The Contest The goal is to build a robot that can find and extinguish a fire in a house. The challenge for the entrants is to build a computerized (not radio-controlled) robotic device that can move through a model of a single floor of a house, detect fire (a lit candle) and then put it out. Robots that consistently accomplish this task in the shortest time win.
NextPrevious The Contest Course
NextPrevious Contest Tasks Sound Activation Furniture/Obstacles Return Trip
NextPrevious Contest Restrictions No disturbing the candle No entering rooms on return trip Size constraints –31 cm height –31 cm width –31 cm depth
NextPrevious Contest Scoring Best two of three trials Penalties –Touching wall or candle Bonuses –Non-dead reckoning navigation
NextPrevious CandleBot Overview — Design Build autonomous robot Capable of navigating floor plan Able to locate and extinguish candle Able to locate and return to start position
NextPrevious Conceptual Design — Side View
NextPrevious Conceptual Design — Bottom View
NextPrevious CandleBot Features Sound activation Solenoid driven CO 2 extinguisher Battery life display Onboard microprocessor control
NextPrevious CandleBot Hardware — Diagram
NextPrevious CandleBot Hardware — Sensors Three (3) Navigational Sensors Two (2) Infrared Sensors One (1) Optical Sensor One (1) Electret Microphone
NextPrevious CandleBot Suspension Two (2) independent motor-driven tracks –Allows for maximum maneuverability –Motors have built-in tachometers to determine real-time speed of each motor
NextPrevious CandleBot Navigation Three (3) Sharp™ Infrared Distance Sensors –Provides constantly updated distances to objects –Instrumental in avoiding wall contact penalty
NextPrevious CandleBot Software Required by contest rules Programmable PIC-based control system on board Must adapt to all conditions present in contest course
NextPrevious Software — Hallway Subroutine First algorithm in CandleBot operation cycle Demonstrates main navigation algorithm
NextPrevious Software — Room Subroutine Second algorithm in CandleBot operation cycle Navigates room interiors and extinguishes candles
NextPrevious Software — Return Subroutine Final algorithm in CandleBot operation cycle Searches for home circle and shuts down CandleBot
NextPrevious Closing Remarks Thank You For Your Time Any Questions?