Identity in Belonging Gal 2:11-221
Looking to Jesus for Identity Scripture Reading Galatians 2 ∶ Pg. 1075
1. Identity Meal table and social Behavior a. Stagecoach (1939)
1. Identity Meal table and social Behavior a. Stagecoach (1939) – A common meal table becomes a sacred space where sinners are accepted. – Resonates with Matthew 9: – V13 “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” What separates you from fellowship with others? b. The Politician and his driver.
1. Identity Who we are and how we define ourselves is very important both for our understanding of our “self” and our relationship with “others.” What makes us unique and what separates us? What if that is taken away? What remains of our identity?
2. Paul and Peter (Gal 2:11-21) Conflict of identities The conflict over cultural definitions: Peter reverting back to his Jewish identity Misrepresenting the Gospel – The Good News What is at stake for Paul: – Faith: for both Jews and Gentiles Christ removes the markers of separation, hence for Paul the “I” has been crucified with Christ!
2. Paul and Peter (Gal 2:11-21) Conflict of identities Gal 5:11-14 Paul confronts Peter for giving into cultural pressure and misrepresenting the Good News. Gal 5:15-16 Faith in Christ and not the following of Jewish Law that justifies a sinner. Gal 5:17-18 Implication of Paul’s argument is that all are sinners. Paul is not promoting lawlessness. It is not law or lawlessnerss but rather Righteousness that Christ gives.
3. In Christ we have a new identity A new identification: “crucified with Him” Gal 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life that I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” New identification: not based on culture etc. but with Christ. Everything Paul defined himself by had been nailed to the cross. Christ doesn’t extinguish our personhood – but enhances it.
3. In Christ we have a new identity A new identification: “crucified with Him” Dr. James Houston (Regent College) “ I am most myself when I am in Christ” Love allows the other to be Gal 5: 20 “who loved me and gave Himself for me” Love gives all, hence it deserves all. Good News: We don’t need to earn God’s Love or merit. In Christ – we are free.
3. In Christ we have a new identity A new identification: “crucified with Him” In Christ: Gentiles do not need to be brought under the Jewish laws New location of our identity – belonging to Christ!
4. New Identity (or rather identification) New identity in Christ The self is not extinguished but enhanced Right relationship with God – Righteousness We trust in what Christ has done for us – Gal 5:21 “I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
Paul’s argument Christ didn’t die for nothing! If God makes us righteous, it is foolishness to keep our old identities which are often the cause of separation from God and from others. Our new identity then is in belonging to God and to His people.
Not “who am I” but “whose am I?” Identity in belonging – in identification Identity in belonging – when all other markers are removed, it still stands because not in ourself but in belonging to God and others. Dietrich Bonhoeffer – “Who am I” (1946) “ Who am I? They mock me, these lonely questions of mine. Whoever I am, Thou knowest, O God, I am Thine!”
Application Who are you? Does that become a cause for pride or exclusion from others? Are you able to say like Paul “ I am crucified with Christ…” In what way has the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ affected your life? Do you know without a doubt that you belong to Christ? Are you able to say like Bonhoeffer “…I am Thine!”?