Lecture 7 August 15, 2005 Lehninger (4 th Edition), Chapter 16 Oxidative phosphorylation: Chapter 19
LNC Fig Products from one turn of the Krebs cycle
LNC Fig.16.7 the only membrane- bound enzyme in the TCA cycle
LNC Fig Note that the figure in the 3 rd edition has an error (there is an O instead of an H) C6C6 C6C6 C4C4 C4C4 C4C4 C2C2 C2C2 C2C2 from oxidation of fatty acids
LNC Fig.16.22
LNC Fig isocitrate dehydrogenase: inactivated by phosphorylation isocitrate lyase: inactivated by low ATP (high AMP/ADP)
HEAT CO 2 HEAT CO 2 “Guinea Pig” “Charcoal”
“…..this fire stolen from heaven, this torch of Prometheus, does not only represent an ingenious and poetic idea, it is a faithful picture of the operations of nature, at least for animals that breathe... the torch of life lights itself at the moment the infant breathes for the first time, and it does not extinguish itself except at death.” Lavoisier, 1789
Carbohydrate + oxygen => carbon dioxide and water C 6 H 12 O O 2 => 12 H 2 O + 6 CO 2 + ENERGY
Wild type SDHC
Outer membrane Inner membrane Intermembrane space Matrix
LNC Fig.19.7
the arrangement of the complexes in the inner membrane and the order of electron flow
LNC Fig TMPD/ascorbate CN - rotenone malonate antimycin Glutamate/malate succinate Succinate dehydrogenase membrane bound enzyme of Krebs cycle Four integral membrane protein complexes Two mobile carriers: ubiquinone and cytochrome c
LNC Fig.19.8
oxidized Coenzyme Q or Q reduced Coenzyme Q or QH 2 LNC Fig.19.2 lipid-soluble polyisoprene chain
Heme + apoprotein cytochrome LNC Fig.19.3
Structure of cytochrome c
LNC Fig.19.4
NON-HEME IRON - SULFUR CENTERS [Fe 2 -S 2 ] [Fe 4 - S 4 ]
LNC Fig.19.5
[Fe 2 -S 2 ] LNC Fig.19.5
[Fe 4 -S 4 ] LNC Fig.19.5
A bacterial ferredoxin
LNC Fig or 8 NADH + Q + H + NAD + + QH 2
LNC Fig Architecture of Succinate Dehydrogenase and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation Victoria Yankovskaya,1* Rob Horsefield,2* Susanna To¨rnroth,3* Ce´sar Luna-Chavez,1,4† Hideto Miyoshi,5 Christophe Le´ger,6‡ Bernadette Byrne,2 Gary Cecchini,1,4§ So Iwata2,3,7§ SCIENCE 31 JANUARY 2003 VOL 299, p [2Fe-2S] [3Fe-4S] [4Fe-4S] succinate Succinate + Q fumarate + QH 2
Complex III 8-11 polypeptides two cytochromes, b and c 1 one iron-sulfur center LNC Fig QH cyt c (Fe +3 ) Q + 2 cyt c (Fe +2 ) (ignore the protons for the moment)
LNC Fig.19-11b Complex III 8-11 polypeptides two cytochromes, b and c 1 one iron-sulfur center
LNC Fig The Q Cycle Net equation QH cyt c ox + 2H + in Q + 2 cyt c red + 4H + out 2 Fe +3 2 Fe +2
Cyt c 1 red + Cyt c ox Cyt c 1 ox + Cyt c red Fe +3 Fe +2
LNC Fig19-13a Complex IV - cytochrome oxidase polypeptides cytochromes a and a 3 two copper centers 4 cyt c (Fe +2 ) + O 2 + 4H+ 4 cyt c (Fe +3 ) + 2 H 2 O ( and protons pumped)
Complex IV (schematic) LNC Fig cyt c red + O H + 4 cyt c ox + 2 H 2 O Fe +2 Fe +3
An excerpt from Table 14-7, in reverse order NADH + ½ O 2 + H + NAD + + H 2 O E ’ o = v v = v G ’ o = -n F E’ o = - 2 x 96,480 J/V x mole x v = kJ/mole NADH
End of Lecture 7 Mon, Aug. 15, 2005