Benjamin Chen Suhail Gul Wai-Sze Lok Rob Merkle Brian Shaw Renee Soenen
Benjamin Chen Electrical Engineer Suhail Gul Electrical Engineer Brian Shaw Computer Engineer Wai-Sze Lok Mechanical Engineer Rob Merkle Mechanical Engineer Renee Soenen Mechanical Engineer
DC Motor vs Modified Servo DC Motor: Energy efficient Powerful Modified Servo: Excellent control of speed Sufficient torque and speed in a compact unit Internally geared Don’t need H-bridges
Problem: Kept rotating slowly with no pulse input Possible Reason: Internal mechanical issue Servos and board may not compatible Digital Servo
Problem: Exceeded size Less space Solution: Modified original chassis by machining notches Flip the chassis, so the motors were on the underside
Machining notches into the sides Flip chassis provide more space 3 platforms instead of 2
Multi – directional wheel called a Transwheel Two motors drive the set of wheels that are 180° apart 90° degree turns switching power to other set of wheels Provides versatility of movement with no steering Video of 90° turn
Driving wheels lift off the ground at bottom of ramps Resolve by driving up the ramp at 45° New FEA due to different torque on the motor shaft Video of 45° approach across ramp
Free Body Diagram – 3 Dimensional Torque N Ff WyWy W WxWx Y X 15 ° ° ∑Fx = 0 = Ff-Wx ∑Fy = 0 = N-Wy ∑M = 0 = Ff*r - T Wsin(10.545°)*r=Wx*r=T
Custom Shaft Assembly W T Motor Shaft “Universal” Hub Nylon Adapter
Pump Reservoir Check-valve Nozzle
Operating at 12 volts 0.54 GPM Mounted at 20 cm Turned on with a relay switch
ItemPriceQuantityCost Sharp GP2D120 IR Range Sensor - 4 to 30 cm$13.992$27.98 Devantech Ultrasonic Range Finder SRF08$ Sharp GP2Y0D810F Digital Distance Sensor 10 cm$6.386$ Degree Pan Turret (Turret and Servo)$ Silicone aquarium tubing$4.231 Trico Chevrolet C1500 Washer Pump$ Check-valve for aquarium$1.991 Durbo S12 Square Fuel Tank 12 oz.$ /4 inch ID silicone airline tubing sold by the foot$ $1.00 1/4 GGA-10 FullJet Brass Nozzle$ in. Omniwheels$11.114$ /4" alum. Hub for sumo tires (pair)$8.002$16.00 ML-50 50:1 Geared Motor$26.954$ Devantech TPA81 Thermal Array Sensors$ Rectangular NiCd 12V 5000mAh Battery Pack$ Total$ ProcessesTime (hour)labor cost per hourCost testing (hardware and software)6$15.00$90.00 assembly4$10.00$40.00 Total $ Material Costs Labor Costs
Motorola HCS12 based EVBplus MiniDragon+ Easiest to program for (familiarity) Enough I/O connectivity Low enough overall power usage
Type of Platform and wheel vs. track Use of servos vs. motors Different types of sensors proposed to be used Navigational Algorithm.
Servo mountings and turrets holder 360 ⁰ Turret Aluminum base shaping and cutting and supports Mounts for motors. Motor Gears.
H Bridge. Voltage Regulator.
Pump Switch Circuit. Wiring for Power Sources and sensors
Programming servos and setbacks. Motor Control. Sensors Testing. Digital IR Sensors. Analog IR Sensor. Compass Module. TPA 81. Sonar.
Basic Movement 4 Omni-Wheels, two wheels each side of the robot. Each wheel can be turned independently of the others. The capability of independent wheel control combined with the placement of the wheels allows for versatile movement controls. Very fast zero-radius turning. Vectored movements, e.g. sideways and 45° diagonal movement.
Ramps Ramps have posed a formidable challenge for Joe-bot. Due to the wheel placements, it cannot drive straight onto a ramp. This is both a curse and a blessing. It is possible for Joe-bot to detect a ramp simply by checking the long distance rangefinder. If it has detected that it has not moved and the distance is more than a few centimeters, then it is in front of a ramp. The Joe-bot can then turn 45° and travel at that angle to get on the ramp and over it. Obstacles Obstacles in the rooms are still a challenge. The sensor array as it stands has a tough time discovering obstacles.
Hallway Travel Joe-bot has three pairs of short range IR sensors on the front and sides. Also, it has a long range sonar rangefinder. It can currently navigate the hallway by keeping track of whether or not walls are sensed on either side by the IRs and also using the rangefinder. Room Mode When we approach a room, Room Mode becomes active. This is a special procedure for detecting the candle, putting it out and exiting the room we entered. The room is scanned either once or twice; if we detect extra heat (the candle), the second sweep searches for obstacles. We then move toward the candle and extinguish it.