Fire Extinguishers 5
RACE R escue A ctivate C onfine E vacuate 5
Remove anyone in immediate danger to a safe area 7
the Fire Alarm System 8
the Fire 6
OR 9
Spreading Not trained with extinguisherNot trained with extinguisher Blocking exit 12
Trained 16
30 Second Rule 7
When You Choose to Fight 6
WoodWood PaperPaper ClothCloth Class A Extinguishers 10
Class A Extinguishers Electrical Fires 11
Class B Carbon Dioxide Class B Extinguisher 8
Class C 8
Class D Magnesium 13
Class K 9
P A S S P ullP ull A imA im S queezeS queeze S weepS weep 18
1. Pull the pin. This will let you discharge the extinguisher Fire Extinguisher 4
Aim the Nozzle 2. Aim at the base of the fire. 3
Squeeze the Handle 11
Sweep – Side to Side 16
Remember when to fight 14
Flight Is Best Toxic fumes Not trained Wrong extinguisher Instincts say “run” 17
Be Sure Right extinguisher for this fire 12