Vocabulary: Analogies Analogies express a relationship between two words or phrases. These relationships include: Antonyms Action: Thing acted upon Synonyms Action: Subject doing the action Part: Whole Tool: Object used with Tool: Its action Tool: User Cause: Effect Effect: Cause Increasing Intensity Decreasing Intensity Category: Example Object/Place: Its user Noun: Closely related adjective
Vocabulary: Analogies Three things to remember: Parts of speech: If the words in the first pair express a noun:adjective or verb:noun or adjective:adjective relationship, then the second pair should show the same relationship between parts of speech. Word order: If the first pair expresses a tool user: tool relation, for example, the second pair must express the same relationship in the same order (tool user first, tool second). Exactness: Sometimes two or more of the given choices would make fairly good sense in the blank. When this happens, choose the word or pair of words that most exactly suits the relationship you’re expressing.
Vocabulary: Analogies Examples: Antonyms: frosty : toasty as strong: weak (also note the adjective : adjective relationship) Tool user: judge : gavel as carpenter: hammer (also note the noun : noun relationship) Action: Thing acted upon: mend : sock as hit : baseball (verb:noun as verb:noun)
Vocabulary: Analogies Now, you try Face : Tissue as Body: ___________ Raincoat/Scarf/Towel/Umbrella/Handkerchief Bright : Spotlight as Dim: _________ Sunlight/Headlight/Field light/Streetlight/Candlelight
Vocabulary: Analogies Salt : Pinch as Butter: _____ Stick/Pound/Margarine/Toast/Pat Sports arena : Cheers as Theater:_____ Audience/Applause/Stage/Comedy/Boos
Vocabulary: analogies monarch : Queen Elizabeth II as Napoleon : emperor captain : team director: : play congressman : senator president: Franklin Roosevelt
Vocabulary: analogies trisect: bisect as: unity: unanimity 2: 3 3: 2 monogram: trilogy multiply: divide
Vocabulary: Analogies monos: one as: tri : bi bi : two quartos : fifth ten: decem unus: monos