Warm-up Copy HW Please start page 29 in your notes by attempting to figure out the meaning of these Latin Prefixes and Latin Roots Prefix meaning Roots Meaning inter anima com, co Civis re Manus semi portare sub unus trans Urbs In, im, il verbum
Essential Questions How can we use what we learn from the past? How has the relationship between citizens and their government changed? How do culture and technology reflect values?
Latin Language -Language originally spoken in ancient Rome -Many words in modern language are based on Latin -Influenced French, Italian, and Spanish
Famous Latin Proverb E pluribus unum “Out of many, one”
Roman Numerals Basic Numerals Meaning 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 I V X L C D M 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000
What number is this??? MMXIII 2013 MDCCLXXVI 1776
Law and Justice Twelve Tables 451 BCE Patricians published Roman laws for all to see
Natural Law There is a universal order built into nature that can guide moral thinking Basic laws from nature/God, that no government can take away
Do you agree with the idea of Natural Law? WHY or WHY NOT? YES No
Philosophy Stoicism: Virtue, self-control, and courage as a way to achieve happiness you must do your civic duty and cared about the community True happiness came from living up to these ideals, not from avoiding pain and only experiencing pleasure
Marcus Aurelius “do not worry if you encounter un- gratefulness, insults, disloyalty, or selfishness. If you think and act rightly, none of those things can hurt you.”
Stoicism Agree Disagree
Closure When the idea of Stoicism became less popular ~200 C.E. the Roman Empire began to fall apart… WHY??? Is this happening in America?....Explain