Objective 1:Profile Free Night Of Theater Participants 9
u As it has since its inception, the Free Night of Theater program continues to attract a diverse group of participants. This includes individuals with the demographic profile of the typical theatre audience member, as well as many outside of these demographics (including infrequent theatre attenders, young people, less educated people, those with lower incomes and non-whites). –Infrequent, moderate and frequent theatregoers all participated in Free Night of Theater (see Table 1): Infrequent attenders/those attending the theatre 2 times or less in the past year represented 31 percent of those participating in the program Moderate attenders/attended the theatre 3 to 5 times in the past year (35%) Frequent attenders/attended the theatre 6 or more times in the past year (34%) –Younger and older audiences both participated: Under 35 years old (35%) 35 to 44 years old (22%) 45 to 54 years old (22%) 55 or older (21%) –Respondents with various levels of education attended: Less than college graduate (20%) College graduate (45%) Graduate or professional degree (35%) Profile Free Night Of Theater Participants 10
–A significant number of non-whites were included: Non-white or multiracial (30% including 10% Asian American, 8% African American, 8% Hispanic/Latino, and 5% other – note: respondents could specify more than one race or ethnicity) White, not Hispanic only (70%) –Those with lower annual household incomes and those who are more affluent were in the audience: Less than $50,000 (36%) $50,000 to $99,999 (40%) $100,000 or more (24%) u The profiles of each region are also diverse and are shown in Appendix C. Profile Free Night Of Theater Participants 11
Table 1: Profile Of Free Night Of Theater Participants 2006 (n=3090) 2007 (n=3047) 2008 (n=5847) FREQUENCY OF PROFESSIONAL THEATRE ATTENDANCE IN THE LAST YEAR 0 Times4% 8% 1 Time7%8%9% 2 Times13% 14% 3 Times16% 15% 4-5 Times24%25%20% 6-9 Times16%15%14% Times10% 9% 15+Times10%9%11% Mean7 Times6 Times8 times Q.10a:Not including Free Night of Theater, about how many times have you attended any live professional theatre (do not include school performances) in the last year? (Continued on next page) 12
Table 1: Profile Of Free Night Of Theater Participants (Cont’d) AGE(n=3086)(n=3043)(n=5843) Under 257%6%8% 25 to 3424%22%27% 35 to 4419%22% 45 to 5426%25%22% 55 to 6418%19%17% 65 or older6% 4% Mean44 years old45 years old42 years old GENDER(n=3082)(n=3037)(n=5833) Male29% 28% Female71% 72% Q.13: What is your age? Q.14: What is your gender? 13 (Continued on next page)
Table 1: Profile Of Free Night Of Theater Participants (Cont’d) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND(n=3084)(n=3037)(n=5842) High school graduate or less2%3% Some college16%17% College graduate42%44%45% Graduate or professional degree40%36%35% ETHNICITY*(n=3034)(n=3081)(n=5755) White, not Hispanic74%72% Asian American/Pacific Islander10% African-American6% 8% Hispanic/Latino4%5%8% Native American0%1% Multiracial2% 3% Other4% 5% * More than one answer was accepted Q.16: What is the highest level of education you completed? Q.17a: What is your racial or ethnic category? 14 (Continued on next page)
Table 1: Profile Of Free Night Of Theater Participants (Cont’d) 2006 (n=2715) 2007 (n=2698) 2008 (n=5383) HOUSEHOLD INCOME Less than $25,0009%10% $25,000 to $34,9998% 10% $35,000 to $49,99916%17%16% $50,000 to $74,99925% 23% $75,000 to $99,99918% 17% $100,000 to $149,99917%15%16% $150,000 or more7% 8% Mean$74,400$75,500$76,000 Q.18:What is your annual household income before taxes? 15