General Music Fulton Elementary Mrs. Gutenson
Schedules All grades K-6 attend music class at least twice in a 6-day rotation schedule. All grades K-6 attend music class at least twice in a 6-day rotation schedule. 5 th and 6 th grade students can select General Music as one of three music options at the elementary level. 5 th and 6 th grade students can select General Music as one of three music options at the elementary level.
Curriculum Students in the General Music classroom experience music in a wide variety of ways that address the Arizona State and National Standards for Music Education. Students in the General Music classroom experience music in a wide variety of ways that address the Arizona State and National Standards for Music Education. All grade levels have performance objectives in three main areas of focus with ten major concept topics. All grade levels have performance objectives in three main areas of focus with ten major concept topics.
Create Students will demonstrate proficiency by: Singing, alone and with others, music from various genres and diverse cultures. Playing instruments, alone and with others, music from various genres and diverse cultures Improvising rhythms, melodies, variations, and accompaniments. Composing and arranging music. Reading and notating music.
Relate Students will demonstrate proficiency by: Understanding the relationships among music, the arts, and other disciplines outside the arts. Understanding music in relation to history and culture. Understanding music in relation to self and universal themes.
Evaluate Students will demonstrate proficiency by: Listening to, analyzing and describing music. Evaluating music and music performances.
Grading Students in grades 1-6 receive a behavior and participation grade in music. The students will self- reflect on their participation based on the following rubric as a component of this grade: Students in grades 1-6 receive a behavior and participation grade in music. The students will self- reflect on their participation based on the following rubric as a component of this grade: 4 -student consistently respected others and property while participating with enthusiasm in all activities 4 -student consistently respected others and property while participating with enthusiasm in all activities 3 -student usually demonstrates above 3 -student usually demonstrates above 2 -student sometimes demonstrates above (needed frequent reminders) 2 -student sometimes demonstrates above (needed frequent reminders) 1 -student disrupted others’ learning resulting in a buddy-class timeout and a written behavior plan. 1 -student disrupted others’ learning resulting in a buddy-class timeout and a written behavior plan.
Behavior and Participation Grade Excellent. The student consistently demonstrates willing and active participation and consistently applies the Behaviors That Promote Learning (BTPL) in the classroom. Excellent. The student consistently demonstrates willing and active participation and consistently applies the Behaviors That Promote Learning (BTPL) in the classroom. Satisfactory. The student usually demonstrates willing and active participation and is usually consistent in the application of the BTPL in the classroom. Satisfactory. The student usually demonstrates willing and active participation and is usually consistent in the application of the BTPL in the classroom. Improving. The student is demonstrating willing and active participation on a more regular basis and is more consistent in the application of the BTPL in the classroom. Improving. The student is demonstrating willing and active participation on a more regular basis and is more consistent in the application of the BTPL in the classroom. Needs Improvement. The student infrequently demonstrates willing and active participation and/or shows infrequent application of the BTPL in the classroom. Needs Improvement. The student infrequently demonstrates willing and active participation and/or shows infrequent application of the BTPL in the classroom.
Behaviors That Promote Learning These are the Behaviors That Promote Learning as they are listed in the report card: --Actively listens and participates --Actively listens and participates --Works independently --Works independently --Works cooperatively --Works cooperatively --Makes good use of time --Makes good use of time --Practices self-discipline --Practices self-discipline --Accepts responsibility --Accepts responsibility --Completes class work as assigned --Completes class work as assigned --Completes homework as assigned --Completes homework as assigned --Is courteous and respects rules, rights, property and others --Is courteous and respects rules, rights, property and others
Grading Students in grades 2-6 also receive a content grade that represents their progress towards performance objective goals. Students in grades 2-6 also receive a content grade that represents their progress towards performance objective goals.
Music Content Grade Meets Standards : The student mastered most of the knowledge and skill areas assessed during the semester. Meets Standards : The student mastered most of the knowledge and skill areas assessed during the semester. Progressing : The student mastered some of the knowledge and skill areas assessed during the semester and/or shows evidence of developing understanding or skills. Progressing : The student mastered some of the knowledge and skill areas assessed during the semester and/or shows evidence of developing understanding or skills. Area of Concern : The student was unable to master the knowledge and skill areas assessed during the semester and/or shows little evidence of developing understanding or skills. Area of Concern : The student was unable to master the knowledge and skill areas assessed during the semester and/or shows little evidence of developing understanding or skills.