PRIDE Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Educator Excellence Welcome to our session on teacher evaluation. Introduce ourselves to the group. We are from Sarasota County and our co-presenters are from Hillsborough County. Each of us will present our teacher evaluation systems and then open it up for Q & A. Let’s share our outcomes for today. Professional Development Department Sarasota County Schools
Outcomes Participants will: Demonstrate understanding of “high stakes” teacher evaluation versus professional growth evaluation. Explore the PRIDE Rubrics. Explore Race to the Top Implications. Read outcomes on the slide First, we’d like to think together about high stakes evaluation versus professional growth evaluation. Outcomes
High Stakes Evaluation Professional Growth Evaluation On the T-chart, individually write down examples that you can think of that describe high stakes evaluation. For example, you might write FCAT as one example of High Stakes Evaluation. Write some others. Now, jot down some examples for Professional Growth Evaluation (i.e. multiple observations with feedback) 2 min. max Get a couple more answers from the group. High Stakes Evaluation (Students) FCAT Once a year May not be accurate Students may not test well Stressful Professional Growth Evaluation (Teachers) PRIDE Rubrics Over time Work in progress Performance standards may vary Specific versus generic Activity
High Stakes Evaluation Systems of evaluation that place high value on a one shot observation may lead to inaccurate assessment. Miss the Mark Evaluate tiny amount of teaching Evaluate individual lessons that don’t carry much weight Evaluate lessons that are often atypical Rarely focused on student learning Incomplete picture Researchers have found that high stakes evaluation systems miss the mark because…( read the five reasons; click each) In Sarasota, we revised our evaluation system. It’s called PRIDE which stands for Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Excellence in Education. It focuses on multiple observation points during the school year. (Excerpted from It’s Time to Rethink Teacher Supervision and Evaluation, Phi Delta Kappan, 2005) High Stakes Evaluation
Look at this mental image to cement the concept. Evaluating a tiny amount of teaching places a high stake on that one evaluation. This graph represents a teacher who has five class periods a day or 900 periods each school year. A principal who formally evaluates one lesson has seen 0.1% (one tenth of a percent) of the teacher’s instruction. The other 99.9% the teacher’s lessons were not observed.
To get us started, we’d like you to look at a picture To get us started, we’d like you to look at a picture. We are going to give you a jolt from your afternoon coffee. Take a look at some dark roasted coffee beans depicted in this next picture. I am going to ask you to look at the picture for a moment. If you see anything other than coffee beans please do not share. This example is very similar to walking into a teacher’s classroom and getting a picture of what is happening on that given day. Keep this in mind as we compare student high stake evaluations to teacher professional growth evaluations.
Professional Growth Evaluation Teacher performance is looked at over time Shift to a dynamic, interactive, continuous analysis of the teaching and learning Systematically visit classrooms In Sarasota, we use a professional growth evaluation system. (click for each) Professional Growth Evaluation
Now we’ll take another look at the mental image of the 900 class periods to demonstrate observing at intervals. show red squares changing into puzzle pieces like you did with first dot (2 clicks to activate)
You are seeing this picture a second time You are seeing this picture a second time. Does anyone see a picture within the picture? (If so, what do you see?) Why did the picture reveal itself? (Because you became so focused and looking for something specific). (click) Now everyone sees the face (note to us, if someone says it has not revealed itself then we have an opportunity to say what does that mean… it means we have to look at it more times)
Conclusion Progress Monitoring is to Students So let’s look at this analogy to bring it home. The coffee bean picture was an illusion but by looking at it over time the picture of the face became clear. The same holds true for student performance and for teacher performance. By monitoring something, frequently over time, we can find out how it is progressing and a more accurate picture will be revealed. Progress Monitoring is to Students PRIDE Evaluation Process is to Teachers Conclusion
Administrator Responsibilities Knowledge of Instruction & PRIDE Evaluation What are the responsibilities of administrators who do the evaluations in Sarasota? As Administrators : Click You have to be knowledgeable about effective Instruction- what is looks like and sounds like Administrators have to know the PRIDE system- There are 2 different rubrics which we will be sharing with you shortly. One is for classroom teachers and one for non-classroom teachers. In addition, administrators need to understand the 4 domains and aligned competencies in each rubric. It means taking all of this and when Evaluating the teacher The administrator can explain how the teacher was evaluated-based on facts: what was the rationale for a specific rating. Rationale 11
PRIDE CWT OBSERVATION Customized All Other Focused Performance Look for’s Data If we are asking administrators to be in classrooms multiple times for observation, how does that fit with CWT? It is essential that when administrators use the CWT protocol, two things MUST be evident. First, the curriculum must be aligned to the specific grade level and student needs. Second, students must be actively engaged in the aligned curriculum. So let’s say your staff’s professional development has focused on differentiated instruction, you can do rounds to look for evidence of DI. On any other visit /observation you are collecting data points of evidence related to performance. In Sarasota, CWTs are used for specific “look fors” and to examine the implementation of professional development. Patterns and trends are examined. However, it is not considered part of the evaluation process. When administrators do observations using the PRIDE rubric, they shift into evaluating the teacher’s performance over time. PRIDE CWT
What interferes with accurate assessments of teacher performance? Not observing at all Not observing enough Class make-up - ability levels, behavioral problems, etc) Comparing teachers - within or between schools Ineffective professional conversations (not providing specific examples related to the rubric and what you observed) Answer this question at your table -1 minute Ask for a few responses Share our examples 13
PRIDE Domain I. Creating A Culture For Learning Domain II. Planning For Success Domain III. Instructing And Assessing For Student Achievement Domain IV. Communicating Professional Commitment We are going to look at the 4 PRIDE Domains (read domain titles) PRIDE
Criteria Exceptional Qualities Accomplished Developing Needs Improvement Developing Unsatisfactory Exceptional Qualities Above and beyond Consistently Most of the time There are 4+ categories. They are… In keeping with our coffee theme: U = key words for U are (click). Unsatisfactory is like decaf. There is no steam, no zing, no charge. Like coffee without caffeine, this teacher is teaching but is not teaching. By using rarely and little evidence we can more readily say something is not occurring that we need to see. NI = keys words are (click). Needs Improvement, like regular coffee may or may not give you a buzz. sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. A regular cup of coffee is like the teacher who really needs help to be doing the job well. It’s like that cup of coffee that may need a little something cream and sugar to enhance the quality. D = key words (click). Developing is like a cup of espresso. This coffee is rich and dark roasted. It is very concentrated. It gets you up and going and in the groove. A cup of espresso is like the teacher who is really good and working towards being great. A = key words, (click). Accomplished is like a double espresso, mocha frappacino. You catch a buzz, enjoy the taste, and satisfy your sweet tooth. This delicious drink is like the high performing teacher who is energetic, engaging, relevant, current and has moved from good to great. (Click to next slide) Inconsistently, infrequently Little or no evidence, rarely Criteria
Exceptional Qualities To enrich our analogy to an even higher level, let’s think above and beyond the accomplished teacher. With the PRIDE rubric our administrators have a chance to write about those teachers who are their Hope Diamonds In any competency they may exhibit precious attributes that the administrator wants to make sure are documented because they are of significant value. It is not required that administrators write in this column. It can address one or more than competencies. Some evals there may be nothing written.
PRIDE Evaluation This is a sample of a teacher’s evaluation. As we focus on evaluation, remember that performance is not static….You can see this by looking at this profile; it’s a work in progress...The teacher’s profile may show variation based on each of the performance competencies are rated. It also can reflect professional growth over time. For example, based on the new math curriculum, teachers are going to be learning material and skills that may be new to them which can impact their skill level. In contrast, our elementary teachers have been using Storytown for the past several years, are expected to be at a higher skills level than when they were first started using the curriculum. 17
Rubric Review Room divided into 1’s & 2’s 1’s read CI Rubric Domains I, II, III 2’s read NCI Rubric Domains I, II, III Highlight key phrases & jot down notes 5 minutes Now we are going to take a look at the Rubrics This side of the room will be1’s and look at the Classroom Rubric. The other side of the room will be 2’s and look at the Non-Classroom Rubric Rubric Review
Find a partner from across the room. If you are a #1, find a #2. Hold up fingers (1 or 2) to find a partner (total of 5 minutes) Directions: Select domains I,II, and III from the rubric and then have a 5-minute conversation with your partner as you compare the wording of the competencies in CI vs NCI rubrics. You’ll have about a 2 minute conversation with your partner. Return to tables Two Person Teach
Criteria Exceptional Qualities Accomplished Developing Needs Improvement Developing Unsatisfactory Exceptional Qualities Above and beyond Consistently Most of the time This is an awareness. You’ve had just a few minutes to look at the rubrics. What are some things you noticed about your rubrics? Comments from whole group. Inconsistently, infrequently Little or no evidence, rarely Criteria 20
Assessments of Student Achievement PRIDE Evaluation Revisit (IPDP) PD Options (IPDP) We use a continuous improvement model for both student achievement and enhancing teacher professional growth over time. Assessments of Student Achievement Instruction alignment engagement
Evaluating Effectively… Conduct frequent observations Provide feedback Help teachers see relationship (linkage) among PRIDE competencies and the connection to their performance So how do we continue to have these conversations so we can evaluate teachers effectively? Read each bullet For all of us, it’s about professional growth. Sometimes, those conversations can be tough so it’s looking at the data, being in those classrooms and being prepared to discuss what your observing, . Connect the Dots 22
Teacher Responsibilities Knowledge of Instruction & PRIDE Self Assessment We talked about the administrators’ responsibilities. At the same time the Teacher needs to be knowledgeable about their instruction and how they are evaluated on the PRIDE rubric It’s the teacher’s responsibility to know what the competencies mean and how they are connected. Click If teachers do a self assessment, this is a great starting point for collegial conversations. After a teacher has done a self assessment the teacher and administrators can discuss what the teacher can do to grow professionally. This is the ideal time to discuss patterns that administrators are observing and tie this back to the teacher’s IPDP (Individual Professional Development Plan) so that it aligns with PRIDE and the School Improvement Plan. Rationale 23
In summary, Performance evaluations take place every day----not once a year. (state when grid comes up) (After complete picture) By putting all these pieces together, along with a continuous analysis of teacher performance over time, this will result in a complete picture of student success because of the talents and efforts of high performing teachers.
Race to the Top PRIDE – foundation for performance practices Florida Accomplished Practices – embedded 50% of evaluation based on student achievement/ growth We’ve shared the PRIDE teacher evaluation system with you based on the past 3 years of implementing it in our district. We are now preparing to make revisions to our evaluation system and incorporate Race to the Top components. We will definitely use PRIDE as our foundation to evaluate teachers’ performance practices. The current PRIDE includes the Florida Accomplished Practices and we will need to incorporate the new revisions beginning in January. Finally, we are now working on the Race to the Top requirement in Project #10 that states that 50% of a teacher’s evaluation will be based on student achievement and/or student growth for the core academic areas. Our current performance evaluation system, based on rubrics, and coupled with student achievement and/or growth will take us to a different playing field.
The standard becomes what you expect and accept. The bottom line is………………. PRIDE will continue to raise the bar for the standard we expect and accept. 26 26