1 Databases in ALICE L.Betev LCG Database Deployment and Persistency Workshop Geneva, October 17, 2005
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 2 Outline Transversal field and function of ALICE databases Examples of database applications Conditions DB and data collection models Medium term plans Conclusions
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 3 Transversal field of the ALICE DBs Detector Control System (DCS): Application scope: configuration of systems and devices (modules and channels), front-end configuration (busses, thresholds); Archiving of monitored detectors and devices parameters Size: millions of records, Tera bytes High Level Trigger (HLT): Application scope: mini-DST like TAG/ESD database for physics studies and offline event selection Size: up to 10 9 events and 30TB per year Detector Construction DB (DCDB): Application scope: use by individual sub-detector groups and integration, repository and flow management for modules, components and their test data, cables, racks Size: millions of records, Tera bytes Experimental Control System (ECS): Application scope: inclusion/exclusion of sub-detectors to a partition Size: small number of small records
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 4 Transversal field of the ALICE DBs Data Acquisition (DAQ): Application scope: parameter repository and resources assignment to DAQ tasks: configurations (current and stored), run parameters (current and stored) Size: possibly large number of small records Trigger: Application scope: repository for trigger classes (input to Central Trigger Processor), definition of trigger masks Size: large number of small records Offline Conditions DB (CDB) – coupled to the Grid: Application scope: non-event data for offline data reconstruction and analysis Size: millions of files, Tera bytes Distributed file catalogue, metadata and TAG DBs: Application scope: raw data, production files, software catalogue and event tags Size: hundreds of millions of records, Giga bytes
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 5 Database applications - DCDB Contains detector properties gathered during constructions time Each detector group has one instance of DCDB with (detector) specific dictionary (PostgreSQL) Read only copy at CERN (Oracle) Content Description of detector components Measurements of response Location of detector components Geometry Usage & lifetime Input for calibration and geometry database Lifetime of ALICE
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 6 Database applications – DAQ and ECS logbook Contains messages stored by DATE infoLogger, statistics extracted from logbook stream for each run statsCollector Daemon Process API Central server statsCollector (script) Console messages table logbook table Any DATE host logBook stream statsBrowser infoLogger MySQL DB operatorcron Launcher processes
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 7 Databases relations and connectivity Examples from previous slides: DCDB – “quasi” distributed system, central repository is read- only, updates are infrequent DAQ – completely closed central system The biggest challenges remain the Grid file catalogue and offline conditions databases: Used in a heterogeneous and often ‘hostile’ computing environment (the Grid). Contains data from wide variety of sources
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 8 Offline conditions DB relations DAQ Trigger DCS ECS Physics data DCDB AliEn/GLite: metadata file store calibration procedures calibration files AliRoot Calibration classes API files API HLT
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 9 Considerations for Conditions DB Sources for conditions DB and relations to other DBs are already quite complicated: All databases potentially containing conditions information are “closed”, i.e. only accessible at CERN It would be difficult to provide access methods to all DBs from the production and analysis code ALICE uses ROOT as offline framework base: Naturally defines the technology choice for object store – all conditions data are stored as root files Additional condition - these files are read-only
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 10 Considerations for Conditions DB (2) Conditions data should be accessible in a Grid distributed production and analysis environment The root files are registered in the Grid Distributed File Catalogue: No need for distributed DBMS in a traditional sense and with all accompanying problems (access, replication, authentication) – a very big plus Assures worldwide access to all files and associated tags Drawbacks: Replication of information Depends almost entirely on the Grid file catalogue functionality
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 11 Conditions DB – content and access Update frequency: The condition DB will have rather infrequent updates (max: once per run) The objects themselves can have rich internal structure with finer granularity, depending on the detector calibration / alignment needs Access framework: Simple user interface and data identification (strings) Automatically get the right valid object Modification of the objects is handled through versioning Same interface for different types of data sources (local file, Grid)
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 12 Conditions DB – content and access (2) Data organisation - simple filesystem-like storage: Calibration/DETECTOR/FirstRun-LastRun.version
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 13 Conditions DB – information gathering Automated system – Shuttle: Collecting conditions data from external DB at predetermined time intervals (for example at the end of every run) Processing collected data using detector-specific preprocessor Storing conditions data in the Conditions DB
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 14 Conditions DB – information gathering (2) Similar systems can be used to process conditions data from other sources: Only new interfaces needed The processing of the data is done in AliRoot (no change of framework) Allows detector groups to do analysis and reduction of the raw data volume before storing it in the Conditions DB
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 15 Medium term plans Grid file catalogue is used routinely in ALICE since several years in the scope of the physics data challenges (PDC04, PDC05, SC3) ROOT Grid access classes are now mature AliRoot Conditions DB access framework is complete Beginning of 2006 – Test of ALICE TPC with operational DCS and DAQ: Test of both DBs and in addition the offline Conditions DB Beginning of 2006 – Physics Data Challenge ’06: Final test of the entire ALICE offline framework on the Grid, including test of Conditions framework
17 October 2005Databases in ALICE 16 Conclusions ALICE has a rich field of databases used in the various groups for wide variety of tasks The development of the majority of DBs is well advanced: Some of them are already in production since several years The biggest challenge remaining is to gather the information from all sources and make it available for Grid data reconstruction and analysis: In this context, ALICE has decided to re-use the already existing Grid file catalogue technology And enrich the AliRoot framework with tools allowing connectivity to all other DBs currently in existence