Internet Safety for Parents A Basic Primer
Topics to be Discussed: Setting safety parameters including permission levels Creating desktop shortcuts accessible by specific individuals Accessing and clearing Internet browser history, cache, and cookies Installation of various hardware components Configuring wireless routers and access times
The Changing Definition of “Computer” If you receive a birthday card in the mail that has a chip which sings “Happy Birthday” to you, that chip has more computer power than all the Allied Forces of 1945 Your cell phone has more computer power than all of NASA back in 1969 The Playstation 3 of today, which costs $300, has the power of a military supercomputer of 1997
Did You Know? (Internet) Nearly 80% of children between the ages of 0 and 5 use the Internet on at least a weekly basis in the United States, according to a report released in 2011 More than half of all children under 10 admit to using a social network –The most popular being Facebook –52% of 8-16 year olds admit they have ignored the age limits set by the sites At least 75 percent of teens age 13 to 17 have at least one social media account
Did you know? (Cellphones) Child cellphone ownership (as of 2010): –85% of those aged 14 to 17 –69% of year olds –31% of kids aged 8-10 Almost half of those devices were smartphones with Internet, social media and access –51 percent of high school students –28 percent of middle school students One survey found nearly 40 percent of fifth graders have their own cellphones. “Sweet Spot”: 10 years old Average age: 12.1 years old
Keeping Your Children Safe Teach them HOW to be safe Monitor them Stay Up-To-Date Teach Them About Mistakes
Teach them HOW to be safe Ensure your children understand what “personal information” means and that they should never share it online - –Never give out real name, telephone or cell phone number(s), mailing address, or passwords. Establish limits for which online sites your children may visit and for how long.
Monitor Them Place the computer in a common area. We strongly suggest your child not have a computer in his or her room, or at least no Internet access on the computer in his or her room. Learn to use the Internet. Experience cyberspace with your child and learn how to check the computer’s “History” to see what websites your child is visiting. Record any usernames and passwords your children use so you are able to monitor Internet use. Remember that Internet technology can be mobile, so also monitor cellphones, gaming devices and laptops. –Keep them in your room at night
Stay Up-To-Date Stay educated about what is trending on the Internet, what apps are popular and how children are using technology. -Instagram - Kick - Secret Make Internet safety an ongoing family discussion. Spend time surfing the Internet with your children so they can show you what they like to do online.
Teach Them About Mistakes (Or, “What to do if a bad website comes up or bad word is used”) 1."Stop" using the computer (or phone, game system, etc.) immediately; responding can make the situation worse. 2."Block" the user from access, or shut down the webpage, if possible. 3."Tell" a parent or trusted adult about the situation. Remember: A child is looking to you for help with how to deal with a problem. Exploding will only lessen the chance they will bring their problems to you in the future.
Children Need to Realize: If you don’t know a person – haven’t met them in REAL LIFE – they are a stranger. No matter how much you talk to them in a game or online! Not all strangers are dangerous. In an online environment, the danger is inside a student's home and hard to escape if proper safety etiquette isn’t followed.
A True Lesson From Me…
Video Game Rating Categories EARLY CHILDHOOD Content is intended for young children. EVERYONE Content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language. EVERYONE 10+ Content is generally suitable for ages 10 and up. May contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or minimal suggestive themes. TEEN Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Video Game Rating Categories MATURE Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language. ADULTS ONLY Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. May include prolonged scenes of intense violence, graphic sexual content and/or gambling with real currency.
Sample Games Mario Kart: E Angry Birds: E Minecraft: E 10+ Burnout: E 10+ Destiny: T Transformers: T COD: M HALO: M GTA: M Walking Dead: M GTA: San Andreas: 18
Mobile Devices Apple: App Purchases Ensure that each child has their own Apple ID Turn on Family Account, sign in on each child’s device This will allow you to approve purchases and apps
Texts to Know: PIR = Parent in room PAL = Parents are Listening AITR = Adult in the room PAW = Parents are Watching PA or PA911 = Parent Alert CD9 or Code 9 = Parent around 99 = Parent gone 303 = Mom
Helpful Sites Learn more about the Internet: ng-abuse/keeping-children- safe/online-safety/ ng-abuse/keeping-children- safe/online-safety/ Filtering Software: Parental Control Applications tures-story/596-best-parental- control-apps.htmlhttp:// tures-story/596-best-parental- control-apps.html Internet Safety: ations/internetsafetyguideforpare nts/InternetSafetyGuideParents0 ations/internetsafetyguideforpare nts/InternetSafetyGuideParents0 7.pdf Inappropriate Contact with Kids