Ana4MIPS Update for WDAC3 Michael Bosilovich
Ana4MIPs Project Original Goal tracks Obs4MIPS – Repackage variables to conform to CMIP standard format – Distribution through the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) – Documentation to accompany data, similar to obs4MIPs Tech Notes Since 2012 Reanalysis Conf, major atmospheric reanalyses have been collected, and the repackaging is progressing
Ana4MIPS revision Reanalyses data would be most appropriate for CMIP comparisons for variables infrequently or not observed at all When Obs are available, we need to compare the reanalyses to them, as well as the CMIP (suggesting the need for a reanalysis intercomparison) Reanalyses incorporate the uncertainty of the assimilating model and the observations; assessing that uncertainty remains a challenge Ultimately, Ana4MIPS is both a data provider and user of Obs4MIPS
What should be the main purpose of ana4MIPS? Providing data for the CMIP community is extremely valuable, it doesn’t address the development of reanalyses data There is a need for Reanalysis intercomparison to better quantify the uncertainty and quality of reanalyses Ana4MIPS facilitates both such endeavors, but the intercomparison aspect would need input from the reanalysis community
Moving Forward Ana4MIPS continues to act as an enabling activity Does there need to be then a formalized reanalysis intercomparison project, or will the community be drawn to the standardized data naturally? How to begin an intercomparison project? – CORE-CLIMAX is developing a strategy – GDAP assessment protocols – Others?