Religion & Reform Slavery & Abolition Women & Reform The Changing Workplace Potpourri
Religion & Reform $100 What was the name of the religious movement that rejected earlier Calvinist teachings and emphasized personal responsibility for salvation?
Religion & Reform $100 The Second Great Awakening
Religion & Reform $200 What philosophical movement emphasized living a simple life and finding truth in nature?
Religion & Reform $200 Transcendentalism
Religion & Reform $300 What women dedicated her life to improving life in prison and improving the treatment of the mentally ill?
Religion & Reform $300 Dorothea Dix
Religion & Reform $400 What man was responsible for reforms in the education system in Massachusetts, which soon spread to all of the states?
Religion & Reform $400 Horace Mann
Religion & Reform $500 What was the name given to groups of people who isolated themselves from society and tried to create ideal worlds based on self-sufficiency?
Religion & Reform $500 Utopian Communities
Abolition & Slavery $100 Who was the former slave who was the founder of the abolitionist newspaper called the North Star
Abolition & Slavery $100 Frederick Douglass
Abolition & Slavery $200 Who was the slave preacher who believed he was chosen to lead his people out of slavery and began a slave revolt in Virginia.
Abolition & Slavery $200 Nat Turner
Abolition & Slavery $300 Who was the white abolitionist who published the newspaper called The Liberator?
Abolition & Slavery $300 William Lloyd Garrison
Abolition & Slavery $400 Who was the free black man who urge slaves to fight for their freedom instead of waiting for owners to free them?
Abolition & Slavery $400 David Walker
Abolition & Slavery $500 What is the name given to the process of preventing debate on a topic, that was used to stop the debate on slavery in Congress in the late 1930s?
Abolition & Slavery $500 Gag rule
Women & Reform $100 What former slave became a leading spokeswoman for abolition and women’s rights?
Women & Reform $100 Sojourner Truth
Women & Reform $200 What woman helped set up the Seneca Falls Convention, which was the first women’s rights conference of its kind?
Women & Reform $200 Elizabeth Cady Stanton OR Lucretia Mott
Women & Reform $300 What woman conducted a national health survey that found women were often ill due to lack of exercise and infrequent bathing?
Women & Reform $300 Catharine Beecher
Women & Reform $400 What movement that blamed the evils of society on alcohol was comprised mostly of women?
Women & Reform $400 Temperance Movement
Women & Reform $500 What is the term used for the belief that the only proper activities for women were house work and child care?
Women & Reform $500 Cult of Domesticity
The Changing Workplace $100 What is the term used for a young worker learning a craft from a master artisan?
The Changing Workplace $100 Apprentice
The Changing Workplace $200 In what Massachusetts town was the first textile mill established?
The Changing Workplace $200 Lowell
The Changing Workplace $300 What immigrant group settled mostly in eastern cities and took low-paying, unskilled work?
The Changing Workplace $300 Irish
The Changing Workplace $400 What group of immigrants settled in the west and worked at a variety of professions?
The Changing Workplace $400 Germans
The Changing Workplace $500 What Supreme Court case upheld the right of workers to organize for better working conditions and higher pay?
The Changing Workplace $500 Commonwealth v. Hunt
Potpourri $100 What is the word used when referring to anything before the Civil War?
Potpourri $100 Antebellum
Potpourri $200 What word is a synonym for freedom, and was used in reference to slavery in the mid-1800s?
Potpourri $200 Emancipation
Potpourri $300 What man was the leader of the Transcendentalist movement?
Potpourri $300 Ralph Waldo Emerson
Potpourri $400 What was the name of the community established in Massachusetts to “prepare a society of liberal, intelligent, and cultivated persons”?
Potpourri $400 Brook Farm
Potpourri $500 Emma Willard and Mary Lyon are most noted for their work in what field?
Potpourri $500 Women’s Education