Programme SIPR and Police Scotland : a new landscape for research & KE (Nick Fyfe) Overview of H2020 research funding (Neil Stewart) Experience in EU research collaborations (Christian Kaunert) ESC Police Working Group (Alistair Henry) European Police research Institute Collaboration and CEPOL (Nick Fyfe) Forensic Science in Europe : opportunities in H2020 (Jim Fraser) Discussion Groups on Security Theme New opportunities : SIPR Small Grants, The What Works Centre, Police Education and Professional Development (Nick Fyfe)
Celebration of key achievements… 2005 –The Hedderman Review research was fragmented and scattered; relations between the academic community and Scottish police forces were ‘ad hoc and infrequent’; and the extent to which ‘research results were being fed directly into practice by its originators was negligible’ – The Engel and Henderson Review The future of policing will be tied directly to the establishment of effective collaborative partnerships that span across multiple universities and police agencies. The SIPR in Scotland [is a ] promising model that will facilitate incremental changes in police practices based on research’
Key Achievements A step-change in the evidence-base for policing policy and practice in Scotland; Facilitating a strategic approach to innovation; Supporting the professional and career development of police officers and staff police service. Increasing the international presence and visibility for policing in Scotland in terms of creating new opportunities for research collaborations and knowledge exchange with researchers and practitioners in Europe, North America and Australia.
Performance indicators
SIPR Connections : Scotland SIPR Scottish Police Authority HMICS Audit Scotland Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research Scottish Government Police Scotland Scottish Parliament PIRC
SIPR Connections : UK & International SIPR ESC Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy (US) What Works Centre for Crime Reduction FBI National Academy (Europe) College of Policing EPIC British Society for Evidence Based Policing CEPOL Centre for Excellence in Policing & Security (Australia)
SIPR and Police Scotland in an era of reform and austerity
DCC: Commonwealth Games and Major Events DCC: Designate DCC: Crime and Operational Support DCC: Local Policing Chief Constable
Divisional Policing
Strategic Priorities Facilitating the development of evidence- based approaches to policy and practice; Supporting a strategic approach to innovation; Supporting professional development and organisational learning; Building research and analytical capacity.
Opportunities for HEIs through SIPR Research funding: Small Grants competition, commissioned research from Police Scotland, Scottish Government and other organisations ; Research Collaboration: within Scotland (Practitioner Fellowships, PhD studentships etc) UK, and internationally eg. EPIC/ESC, CEBCP and CEPS. Research Impact and User Engagement (KE, professional development etc): within Scotland, UK and internationally.
EPIC (European Police Institutes Collaboration) SIPR Police Academy of the Netherlands; Norwegian Police University College; Police College of Finland; Centre for Police Studies, University of Uppsala, Sweden; Centre for Security and Policing Studies, University of Ghent; Universities Police Science Institute, Cardiff; Manchester University Business School; University of Porto, Portugal; Estonian Police College.
CEPOL (European Police College) Research and Science Working Group with membership from all EU states; Facilitative role for research collaborations; Provides opportunities for KE at European level via webinars, workshops and conferences etc; CEPOL lecturer, trainer and researcher database; CEPOL E- Library
Opportunities in 2014 Small Grants Competition (closing date in May); Practitioner Fellowships; Funding for preparation of H2020 proposals; ‘What Works’ in Policing; Professional development and police education. SIPR-CEBCP Symposium (October 2014) and International Policing Conference (November 2014)