The Value of Attending Worship Services Acts 20:5-12
2 ATTEND “ To stretch to,” to stretch the eyes & ears toward anything, to give consideration“ To stretch to,” to stretch the eyes & ears toward anything, to give consideration Attention: “to apply the mind or pay attention,” Webster); “be attentive” (Psa 17:1; Prov 27:23) Attention: “to apply the mind or pay attention,” Webster); “be attentive” (Psa 17:1; Prov 27:23) Being present to learn & participate Being present to learn & participate Attending worship is vital to our faith and a commentary on it Attending worship is vital to our faith and a commentary on it
(Among infrequent attenders and non-attenders) Boring or unfulfilling church services 42% Beliefs of the church 35% Church’s moral views 35% No need to 34% Prefer to do other things 31% “My beliefs are too weak” 27% The way churches are organised 24% Other commitments 21% Bad experience among church people 16% Not enough time because of work 15% Source: Why People Don’t Go to Church, 1998 Australian Community Survey 04/march/article4.shtm Top 10 reasons people don’t go to church
4 VALUE OF ATTENDING WORSHIP SERVICES IN THE LIVES OF EARLY CHRISTIANS, Acts 20:6-7 Important, 20:6 Important, 20:6 – Planned / Waited for / Anticipated, Heb 10:24-25 (Psa 122:1; 42:4) Singular interest to worship, 20:7 Singular interest to worship, 20:7 – To break bread, 1 Cor 11:17-34 – To edify, 1 Cor 14:26 (19, 23-25) – Not to judge one another, Jas 2:1-4
5 VALUE OF ATTENDING WORSHIP SERVICES IN THE LIVES OF EARLY CHRISTIANS, Acts 20:6-7 Chance to teach & learn God’s word as much as possible, 20:7 Chance to teach & learn God’s word as much as possible, 20:7 – Length implies prolonged interest, 20:11 – All of the law read to Israel, Josh 8:34-35 – Attentive to the law, Neh 8:1-3, 8 – Daily attention, Acts 2:46 (42); 19:9
6 THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF ATTENDING WORSHIP SERVICES Provides & promotes personal learning and edification, 20:7 (32) Provides & promotes personal learning and edification, 20:7 (32) – Great protection, 2 Tim 2:15; 1 Ths 2:13; Phil 1:9-10 – Equips us with Bible answers, 1 Pet 3:15 – A way of escape, 1 Cor 10:13 – Rooted and built up, Col 2:6-7
7 THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF ATTENDING WORSHIP SERVICES Helps us concentrate our energies Helps us concentrate our energies – Reinforce each other’s faith: Stir up love & good works, Heb 10:24 Stir up love & good works, Heb 10:24 Encouragement, Acts 2:46 Encouragement, Acts 2:46 Objectives & goals, Acts 20:7 (2:42; 9:31) Objectives & goals, Acts 20:7 (2:42; 9:31)
8 THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF ATTENDING WORSHIP SERVICES Helps prevent future problems Helps prevent future problems – Worshiping together provides fellowship and promotes unity, Phil 2:4 – Opportunity to increase in brotherly kindness and love, 2 Pet 1:7 – The strength of unity, Eccl 4:12
9 WHAT ATTENDING WORSHIP SERVICES DOES NOT DO Does not excuse sin, Acts 8:22 (13); 1 Jno 1:9 (1 Cor 11:30) Does not excuse sin, Acts 8:22 (13); 1 Jno 1:9 (1 Cor 11:30) Does not satisfy all our service to Christ and others, Gal 6:9-10 Does not satisfy all our service to Christ and others, Gal 6:9-10 Does not mean we are immune to temptation and sin, 1 Cor 10:12 Does not mean we are immune to temptation and sin, 1 Cor 10:12
10 WHEN YOU ATTEND WORSHIP Apply your mind & be attentive Apply your mind & be attentive As you worship God… As you worship God… – Learn His word – Grow in Christ – Strengthen your faith – Strengthen the church