PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS High School Improvement in Prince George’s County Public Schools Dr. John E. Deasy Superintendent of Schools January 11, 2007
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 Prince George’s County Board of Education R. Owen Johnson, Jr., Chair Verjeana M. Jacobs, Esq., Vice Chair Donna Hathaway Beck Pat J. Fletcher Heather Iliff Rosalind A. Johnson Linda Thornton Thomas Nathaniel B. Thomas Ron L. Watson, Ph.D. Leslie D. Hall, Student Member John E. Deasy, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools and Secretary/Treasurer
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 3 Improving High Schools Current State Structure Improvements and Capacity Building Signature Academic Programs Career Technical Programs Redesign for Success Small Learning Communities
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4 Current State Regions Regions consist of between 25,000 to 30,000 students and 1700 – 2000 staff Regional offices have 30 – 34 staff members Regional model designed to support schools consisting of Pre-K to 12 th grade students High school service and support competes with the needs of elementary and middle school Regional staff must generalize support that addresses all K-12 Teacher and leadership development occurs but occurs infrequently because of the stress on regional staff
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5 Current State 16 of the 23 High Schools in School Improvement Bladensburg High Bowie High Crossland High DuVal High Fairmont Heights High Forestville Military Academy Frederick Douglass High Friendly High Gwynn Park High High Point High Largo High Laurel High Northwestern High Parkdale High Suitland High Surrattsville High
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 9 Current State Proficiency Levels That Are Below Targets Anticipated Decrease In HSA Algebra Scores
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 10 Current State Ongoing Suspension and Truancy Concerns
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 11 Current State Reactive Intervention While some interventions exists that deal with student success prior to assessments (High School ELOs, SAT prep) most occur as a postscript of an assessment or a course (twilight, summer school, evening school, Saturday school, etc.)
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 12 Structure and Capacity Create a Consortium of High Schools Consortium would be led by an assistant superintendent Other staff with high school teaching and leadership experience would be identified to provide support for high school curriculum and programs Dedicate systemic support by lifting high schools out of existing regions to form a set of structures and service Alignment of organization, mission operations and options for students Target professional development to the needs of the high schools Emphasize Rigor, Relationships and Results Emphasize college readiness and/or preparation for work choices Prepare those choosing options other than college for work force entry skills – school to career
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 13 Signature Programs Academic Plan, create, develop, staff and support Signature Academic Academy options at all high schools. Academy options could include: Math and Science Performing Arts Finance Architecture Education Aeronautics and Space Middle College World Languages International Baccalaureate Academies JROTC College Excel
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 14 Signature Programs Career and Technical Develop and support Career and Technical options for our high school students that will foster a pathway to a career option or college. Include a rigorous unified curriculum, increased learning options and programs, expanded academic and counseling support, and state-of-the-art learning laboratories Some stand alone Some site-based in our schools Require technical certifications and apprenticeships that lead to a skilled tradesman designation Examples may include: Medical Academies Construction Academies (Architecture, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc.) Transportation Hospitality and Tourism Culinary Manufacturing
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15 Redesign for Success Our Promise - 1 Goal - Many Means All graduates college ready Provide a high quality education for all students in our county Celebrate the return of students who have left our system for non-public schools Enhance and expand early intervention strategies for struggling students Expand external options for students who want to complete high school and enter the work force Enhance acceptance and retention in college Celebrate the return and success of students who have dropped out
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 16 Small Learning Communities for all Existing Schools Develop transition activities and ninth grade academies that produce opportunities to successfully transition from middle to high school Implement choice options and school within-a-school models to dramatically decrease the size and scope of the high schools Connect students with adults in each school who serve as advisors, mentors, academic coaches, etc Organize schools around career themes Aeronautics, Engineering, Education, etc Seek grant and philanthropic funding to implement, sustain and support Integrate career and technical instruction
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 17 Timelines Board of Education endorsement of concepts Planning Planning > Establish partners - University track - Work force - Academic Academy Sponsor Implementation Implementation At Scale
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 18 Prince George’s County Public Schools