Add & Subtract Like Fractions 7th Grade Math Lesson Objective: Students will add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
Vocabulary Like Fractions Fractions with common denominators
Adding Like Fractions Add. Write in simplest form.
Adding Like Fractions Add. Write in simplest form.
Whiteboard Practice Add. Write in simplest form.
Subtracting Like Fractions Subtract. Write in simplest form.
Subtracting Like Fractions Subtract. Write in simplest form.
Whiteboard Practice Subtract. Write in simplest form.
Real World Example About 6/100 of the population of the United States lives in Florida. Another 4/100 loves in Ohio. How much more of the U.S. population lives in Florida than in Ohio?
Whiteboard Practice In Mr. Navarro’s first period class, 17/28 of the students got an A on their math test. In his second period class, 11/28 of the students got an A. What fraction more of the students got an A in Mr. Navarro’s first period class than his second period class?
Whiteboard Practice Of the 50 states in the United States, 14 have an Atlantic Ocean coastline and 5 have a Pacific Ocean coastline. What fraction of U.S. states have either an Atlantic Ocean or Pacfic Ocean coastline?