Done By: Si Hao Joshua Hia Garreth Lee Han Yuding
Proposal Location of the resort Technologies involved in obtaining energy to be converted into electricity Engineering techniques required to protect the coast line Interior and Exterior design Coastal Management Tourist Trial
Location of Resort Green Resort
Location of Resort Near Mamam Beach Characteristic of Mamam Beach: Wind is blowing from East to West Waves are destructive at an average of 16 waves per minute Loci Less than 500m from shore More than 1500m from Jetty
Reason for location Convenience for trial Toilet next to resort Huts such as Beberek Hut are near there Has a large area of coastline Convenient point to go to nearby attractions such as Chek Jawa and Balai Quarry
Location of Resort: Wind Breeze The area is breezy, with most wind coming from the East This can act as a natural source of cooling the area down
Location: Sea View The view is towards the sea, and may also overlook the balai quarry behind it
Obtaining Energy: Solar Energy Solar Panels can be placed on top of the resorts to maximise the intake of sunlight The solar panels can be tilted towards the sun at different times of the day so it will gain and store energy for the night
Storing Energy: Solar Cells It works by absorbing sunlight and the negatively charged electrons would knock loose from their atoms, producting electricity Efficiency can be boosted by adding silver nanoparticles, where they act like mirrors and concentrate light to be concentrated
Solar Cells: Dye Sensitized Thin-Film A transparent conducting oxide (TCO) is deposited on a transparent substrate, glass or plastic, to make two electrodes Titanium dioxide is a semiconductor and is coated on one of the electrodes to allow electrons to pass through to the other electrodes The electrodes are coated with organic dye
DSTF: Advantages Excels in a wide range of light conditions at various angles; flexible, lightweight and robust DSTF devices generates more energy in diffuse lighting conditions Does not suffer from angular dependence of sunlight DSTF can generate more power over extended periods of time than competing silicon technology.
DSTF: Advantages Efficiency of DSTF does not degrade with increased temperature Uses inexpensive and eco-friendly nanomaterials
Obtaining Energy: Hydro electricity The dams can be built between Pulau Ubin and Changi Electricity will be generated and is sufficient for the whole island The electricity is renewable and does not affect much of the biodiversity in Pulau Ubin
Hydro Electricity: Advantages Clean source of energy Renewable Able to produce energy for both Pulau Ubin and Changi area Can be considered to be an additional tourist attraction at Pulau Ubin
Facilities: Swimming Pool Solar energy have to be stored in large water tanks, and using it as a natural swimming pool would be a eco friendly choise The solar energy can also be stored in a central heater to heat water used for bathing
Facilities: Sauna and steam baths The solar energy can be used to heat saunas, instead of using coal The steam baths is heated with the solar energy
Eco friendly hotel Our hotel practise eco friendliness, which include serving water only when asked Also, our toilet bowls are constructed which uses minimal water or no water at all Also, eco friendly light bulbs and LED lights which require minimal energy are used to illuminate our hotel
Zero-Energy Building (ZEB) A building's use with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emissions annually. It can be used autonomously from the energy grid supply – energy can be harvested on-site. BedZED - zero energy housing in the UK
Our resort will be built ZEB-formatted. Various microgeneration technologies such as solar cells or wind turbines would be used Skylights would provide 100% of daytime illumination. Night time illumination is done with fluorescent and LED lighting that use <=1/3 power than incandescent lights, without adding unwanted heat. Zero-Energy Building (ZEB) Skylights LED lightings
Compact fluorescent light bulbs do not need much heat to produce light, unlike incandescent bulbs, and hence save energy LEDs use minimal energy, longer lifetime and also come in smaller sizes. This can be used as decorative lights for our eco friendly hotel Our toilets use pressure tank technology, where pressure is used to push the waste material into the toilet bowl, instead of relying on gravity and water
Coastal Management Wind is blowing from East to West Waves are destructive at an average of 16 waves per minute Sandy beach Most sand are fine-grained and medium grained Long shore drift Waves hit shore at about an angle of 55 degrees IntervalNo. of wavesWave Type 1 st min16 Destructive: > 13 waves/min 2 nd min15 3 rd min13 4 th min15 5 th min19
Physical Impact Coastal Erosion Occurs through the action of currents and destructive waves Sediment is transported along the coast in the direction of the prevailing current Houses and our Resort may be destroyed due to the eroding of the shore Beachfront will be eroded and this is not welcomed by tourists
Method and Solutions The shore already has a sea wall to prevent it from being eroded However, there are disadvantages It is easily damaged as the base of the seawall may be undercut by backwash Causing eventual collapse of the sea wall Hence, having the sea wall only is not enough
Method and Solutions Groynes will be implemented to solve the problem They are built at right angle to coastline The longshore drift at Mamam beach will be slowed down and thus reduces the pressure on the sea wall Hence prevents and slows down erosion Physical barrier to stop sediment transport in the direction of longshore drift
Method and Solutions Trap sediment from longshore drift which builds up a beach The beach will be appealing to tourist Aesthetically appealing as they blend well with the scenery, hence tourists will not find it disturbing Effective and only cost around $350,000 each Groynes in Sitges
Final Method Sea Wall accompanying with Groynes The Sea Wall will be behind the Groynes and the Groynes are connected to the wall Similiar to the picture The cliff is changed into the shore in our case
Final Strategy (Birds Eye View) Before Beach/Land Sea Sea wall After Land Sand Sea Sand New beach Gryones Beach/Land
Overview Green Resort
Tourist Trail Aims to showcase the biodiversity, rustic and historical aspect of Pulau Ubin Starts at 7.30am and ends at 10.30am In time for low tide for viewing of Chek Jawa Transport: Green Vehicle and Walking 7 stations and 3 resting stops
Station 1 Beberek Hut Rest for the start of the trail Balai Quarry The History of the Quarry will be explained Open-pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted Current situation whereby Indonesia banned the export of granites to Singapore
Station 2 Chek Jawa via Punai Hut Estimated to arrive there at 8.30am Low tide; able to see the rare species of marine life Expected to see flora and fauna of Check Jawa Broadwalk tour will be included Special request will be made if tourists want to walk on shore Breakfast to eat at Punai Hut
Chek Jawa Broadwalk Tour Animals Plants Barnacles Small Island
Station 3 via Green Vehicle Tourists will take the green vehicle to 韦陀法宫 ( Wei Tuo Fa Gong Temple) Buddhist religion will be explained there Wei Tuo is a devoted guardian and an honored bodhisattva of Buddhist monasteries Guards the Dharma and the objects of the Dharma
Station Ubin Quarry Follow up on history of the quarries in Ubin In the 1970s, there are more than 10 mining companies on the island with 1000 over workers At that time, the explosion takes place twice everyday, the first from 11am to 12am and the second from 5pm to 6pm In 1999, all extraction and mining activities on the island is stopped Aquaculture farm
Station 6 Kekek Quarry Stopping of export of granites to Singapore by Indonesia Housing and Development board decided to reuse this quarry to extract granites again Limited extraction will be carried out for companies to prepare themselves for the extraction activities Through the preparation, the government will be able identify environmental problems faced when extracting
Station 7 Noordin Beach To see the sea-view Toilet near the beach Act as a resting station for tourist before heading back to the resort
End of Trial Back to Resort Via Green Vehicle End at around 10.30am
References =204 =204 s_of_beach_groynes s_of_beach_groynes AAK5TiM AAK5TiM htm htm