P.P. Sinha Directorate General Of Lighthouses & Lightships Ministry Of Shipping Government Of India E-NAVIGATION: WILL IT BE AN ULTIMATE PANACEA? GEO INFRA FEBRUARY 2012
On Board: Radar, AIS, Gyro, Echo Sounder, Paper Charts, Meteo Information, Hydro (current, tides) New information and communication-based tools: Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS- GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, etc) Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) Vessel reporting schemes Satellite tracking Traditional hardware for navigational safety – a complex network of buoys, channel markers, lighthouses and other aids to navigation PRESENT TOOLS OF NAVIGATION
Ships are getting faster and larger Ships’ crews are getting smaller Technology for aids to navigation – more challenging than ever before Rising trends of marine accidents both in terms of numbers and costs are mainly associated with collisions and groundings. Around 60% of collisions and groundings are caused by direct human error. THE CASE FOR E-NAVIGATION
Shipboard users and those ashore responsible for the safety of shipping to be equipped with suitable input through modern and proven tools that could be optimized for good decision making in order to make maritime navigation and communications more reliable and user friendly. THE CASE FOR E-NAVIGATION
In Jun 2006, MSC 81 instructed its NAV & COMSAR sub-committees to consider development of E Navigation Strategy In Jul 2008, MSC 85 approved the strategy for development and implementation of E Navigation & framework for implementation process In Jun 2010, Nav 56 reviewed user needs –ship borne, shore based, SAR Authy & Existing systems and new communication technologies supporting user needs In Jun 2011, NAV 57 agreed e-navigation architecture, the proposed way forward for developing a Common Maritime Data Structure (CMDS); and the use of the IHO's S-100 standard as the baseline for creating a framework for data access and services under the scope of SOLAS Will be adopted by MSC 94 in 2014 IMO INITIATIVES
E-Navigation would incorporate new technologies in a structured way and ensure that their use is compliant with the various navigational and communication technologies and services that are already available, providing an overarching, accurate, secure and cost-effective system with the potential to ensure global coverage for ships of all sizes. E NAVIGATION STRATEGY
“E-navigation is the harmonized collection, integration, exchange and presentation of maritime information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth- to-berth navigation and related services, for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.” DEFINITION OF E NAVIGATION
CORE OBJECTIVES OF AN INTEGRATED E-NAVIGATION SYSTEM Facilitate safe and secure navigation of vessels having regard to hydrographic and navigational information and risks (e.g. coastline, seabed topography, fixed and floating structures, meteorological conditions and vessel movements); Facilitate vessel traffic observation and management from shore/coastal facilities where appropriate, for example in harbours and approaches; Facilitate ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship and shore-to-shore communications, including data exchange, as needed, to achieve the above points; provide opportunities for improving the efficiency of transport and logistics.
CORE OBJECTIVES OF AN INTEGRATED E-NAVIGATION SYSTEM Facilitate the effective operation of distress assistance, search and rescue services and the storage and later use of data for the purposes of traffic and risk analysis and accident investigation; integrate and present information onboard and ashore in a format, which, when supported by appropriate training for users, maximizes navigational safety benefits and minimizes risks of confusion or misinterpretation; and Facilitate global coverage, consistent standards and mutual compatibility and interoperability of equipment, fitment, systems, operational procedures and symbology, so as to avoid potential conflicts between vessels or between vessels and navigation/traffic management agencies.”
CORE OBJECTIVES OF AN INTEGRATED E-NAVIGATION SYSTEM Support the effective operation of contingency response, and search and rescue services; Support the scalability, to facilitate use by all potential maritime users;
HOW WILL IT BE DELIVERED ? Using various communication methods presently available supplemented by additional spectrum allocation by ITU. Displayed in an intelligent and integrated format on board ship and replicated ashore Increased interaction with shore based coastal States
All data should include inbuilt integrity information, to identify such things as: Source Validity/constraints Estimated accuracy DATA INTEGRITY
Increased integrity of navigational data Total replacement of paper navigation and its costs Easier reporting to coastal stations Route optimisation possibilities with resultant fuel savings Standard on bridges worldwide Mainstream technology concept permits avenues for bridge cost reduction on all new builds, despite increased functionality Scalable for non-SOLAS ships BENEFITS
Industry agreement in principle Agreed standards for display, interface and functionality Trial and testing Assuring the integrity of the complete system, both to hacking type operations and to large scale failures Involves considerable changes in legislation CHALLANGES
IS IT AN ULTIMATE SOLUTION? E-navigation will not be a panacea, nor an end in itself, It is part and parcel of a safe navigation process (watch keeping, COLREGs, ship-handling, seamanship, procedures and training) Avoid the spectre of “technology-assisted collisions” and “technology overload” Remember the human element
THE HUMAN FACTOR E-navigation may reduce fatigue, but it should not be used to reduce crew sizes It should be used to achieve improvement, rather retaining the status quo, but with less human resource input Final responsibility for navigational decisions, at least till the objectives are realised in full, should remain with the human element
A piecemeal approach is not appropriate – simply adding more boxes and information is not the answer What is needed? Integration, coordination and harmonization of bridge systems and other navigational tools to assist the navigator THE “KURAL”