Seismic interferometry: Who needs a seismic source? Roel Snieder Center for Wave Phenomena Colorado School of Mines download publications from:
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem F (Einstein, 1905) (Kubo, Rep. Prog. Phys., 29, , 1966)
Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Distance between USA and Germany
Pseudo-random source Piezo-electric vibrator from CGG
45°C 50°C Coda wave interferometry (Snieder et al., Science, 295, , 2002)
1D example
Cross-correlation sum of causal and acausal response uncorrelated left- and rightgoing waves
Right-going wave only
DC-component must vanish
Need to extend this to include: - heterogeneous media - more space dimensions
Derivation based on normal-modes (Lobkis and Weaver, JASA, 110, , 2001)
Displacement response Heaviside function
Velocity response
Uncorrelated excitation
Correlation as sum over modes
For uncorrelated modes
Correlation Green’s function
Correlation Green’s function
Correlation Green’s function
Correlation and Green’s function - sum of causal and acausal Green’s function - holds for arbitrary heterogeneity
Dealing with with acausal Green’s function - truncate correlation for t<0 - average correlation for t 0
Displacement instead of velocity Conclusion: time derivative may appear
(Weaver and Lobkis, Ultrasonics, 40, , 2002)
Representation theorem
Acoustic waves Green’s function:
Time reversal = complex conjugation Time-reversed solution
Time-reversal When is a solution. then is a solution as well N.B. this does not hold in the presence of attenuation
Representation theorem replace:
Left hand side reciprocity
Right hand side
For spherical surface far away Radiation condition:
Virtual-sources (Wapenaar, Fokkema, and Snieder, JASA, 118, heuristic derivation: Derode et al., JASA, 113, , 2003)
Computing synthetic seismograms (Van Manen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, ,2005)
Field example of virtual sources (Bakulin and Calvert, SEG expanded abstracts, , 2004) reservoir complicated overburden
Peace River 4D VSP Component used, along-the-well (45 0 )
Image from virtual sources top bottom
Virtual sourceSurface
Virtual-sources (Wapenaar, Fokkema, and Snieder, JASA, 118, heuristic derivation: Derode et al., JASA, 113, , 2003)
Excitation by uncorrelated sources on surface Uncorrelated sources can be: - sequential shots - uncorrelated noise
Response to uncorrelated noise
Green’s function from uncorrelated sources (For elastic waves: Wapenaar, Phys. Rev. Lett, 93, , 2004)
Raindrop model Sources can be: - real sources - secondary sources (scatterers)
Response to random sources
Double sum over sources diagonal termscross-terms
Cross-terms - vanish on average - in a single realization: (Snieder, Phys. Rev. E, 69, , 2004)
For dense scatterers n = scatterer density
Correlation as volume integral
Stationary phase contribution x y z
Stationary phase regions “anti-Fresnel zones”
Stationary phase integration (Snieder, Phys. Rev. E, 69, , 2004, for reflected waves see: Snieder, Wapenaar, and Larner, Geophysics, in press, 2005)
Yet another type of illumination (Weaver and Lobkis, JASA, 116, )
Four types of averaging
Ultrasound experiment source receivers 54 mm 135 mm (Malcolm et al., Phys. Rev. E, 70, , 2004)
Surface waves (Campillo and Paul, Science, 299, , 2003)
correlation Green’s tensor Z/Z Z/R Z/T
correlation Green’s tensor Z/Z Z/T R/Z R/R R/T T/Z T/R T/T Z/R
Surface wave Green’s function (Snieder, Phys. Rev. E, 69, , 2004)
Surface wave dispersion from noise (Shapiro and Campillo, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L07614, 2004)
Seismic interferometry in Millikan Library
Deconvolution with top floor
Deconvolution with bottom floor
traveling waves normal modes
Deconvolution with bottom floor
+ +
Fundamental mode: - +
Borehole data from Treasure Island
T – Deconvolved (4.5 to 15 sec) time (sec) depth (m)
T – Deconvolved (4.5 to 15 sec) time (sec) depth (m) β β β β β =100 m/s =150 m/s =200 m/s =250 m/s =550 m/s
Z – Deconvolved (1 to 15 sec) time (sec) depth (m)
Z – Deconvolved (1 to 15 sec) time (sec) depth (m) α α α α α =1500 m/s =1250 m/s =1600 m/s =1350 m/s =2200 m/s
R – Deconvolved (4.5 to 15 sec) time (sec) depth (m)
time (sec) depth (m) β β β β β =100 m/s =150 m/s =200 m/s =250 m/s =550 m/s R – Deconvolved (4.5 to 15 sec)
Borehole data from Treasure Island
R – Deconvolved (1 to 4.5 sec) time (sec) depth (m)
R – Deconvolved (1 to 4.5 sec) time (sec) depth (m) β β β β β =100 m/s =150 m/s =200 m/s =250 m/s =550 m/s
Receiver Function time (sec) depth (m)
Receiver Function time (sec) depth (m)
Advantage (1), virtual sources at new locations reservoir salt
Advantage (1), virtual sources at new locations
Advantage (2), virtual sources at “all” times
Seismic interferometry in Millikan Library (Snieder and Safak, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., in press, 2005)
Deconvolution with top floor
Advantage (3), get better illumination
Use surface bounce
“Schuster trick”
Advantage (4), use other type of data (Shapiro et al., Science, 307, , 2005) earthquake correlation (1 year) correlation (1 month)
Frequency (Hz)
5-10 sec Frequency (Hz)