Iranian Broad-Band Seismic Network M. Mokhtari Director of National Center for Earthquake Prediction (IIEES) FSDN meeting Bangkok, 7-10 Nov. 2006
Development Plan Today Today –17 stations –27 stations –48 stations
Procedure for defining new location Geographical distribution Geographical distribution Site selection Site selection Noise test Noise test Station building Station building Instrument installation Instrument installation Satellite connection Satellite connection
Tectonic map of the region for station selection
Geological Map of the region for site selection
Broadband Seismic Network (Established and operated by IIEES Phase 1 Phase 2
Processing Center in Tehran, IIEES
Location: 141 km South-West of Turkmenbasi in Turkmenistan Date: 85/08/07Time(Local): 13:12:24.2 Lat.: 39.45Lon.: Depth: 14.1 kmML: 3.4 Nearest Fault: MAIN_KOPEHDAGH_F1 (Length: 318 km)
Earthquake information provided online on the website and also using SMS for professionals and national Authorities
Web-site Geographical location (coordinates) Geographical location (coordinates) Data-loading for events larger than 4 Data-loading for events larger than 4 Updated and Operated 24/7 days Updated and Operated 24/7 days Weekly and Monthly bulletin available at the site. Weekly and Monthly bulletin available at the site. Search engine based on location, magnitude, …. Search engine based on location, magnitude, …. Rapid Summary report Rapid Summary report Rapid deployment of mobile seismic network for large events Rapid deployment of mobile seismic network for large events