The Seismic Plus Portal E. Michel, C. Renié, K. Belkacem,M. Abed/ SPACEINN-WP3-meeting /10/2013 Observatoire de Paris
Motivations & Objectives ✓ Difficult to fully exploit, need for visibility ✓ Hinders a broad community use of seismic data A large number of seismic data sources (stellar and solar) now available (CoRoT, Kepler, SDO, etc...) Complementary data also necessary and numerous (spectroscopy, interferometry, etc...) Issue: data bases are scattered and inhomogeneous Major objectives of the Portal: ✓ Coordinated access to the large variety of data sources available ✓ Provide tools to handle and combine data for a broad scientific community
Motivations & Objectives Tools to access and combine data from these different sources and possibly produce new outputs The Seismic Plus is intended to gather in a same well identified place: Homogeneous description of the data available from various sources: - sources of seismic data (space or ground-based) for stars and the Sun - sources of complementary data (space or ground-based) commonly used in complement to seismic data to lead interpretational studies (e.g. fund parameters, astrometric & spectroscopic sources, models & numerical simulation sources…)
L2: Data Access & Handling The Portal overall architecture Three different levels have been defined (L0,L1,L2) L0: Standard description of the data sources L1: Where-is-what? (WIW) Access to databases Data Handling (tools)
The Portal overall architecture – L0 L0:Description of the data sources and tools available at the Portal This level is intended to provide us with a standard and homogeneous description of available databases and tools available at the Portal For each data source, two sub-levels of description are considered: - L0.1 : Some general text explaining the main content of the database (following a standard scheme tbd) e.g.: The GAUDI database provides access to high resolution spectra collected between XX/XX/XX and XX/XX/XX, in the framework of the COROT Ground- Based Seismology Programme, it contains... - L0.0 : a ‘multi-approach’ presentation Considering the potentially large number of sources, presentation according to keywords…
The Portal overall architecture – L0 L0:Description of the data sources and tools available at the Portal - L0.1.1 : Field descriptions e.g.: description of the fields as a table screen shot of the field description of KEPLER KOI ( r_koi) needs some VO stuff
L0 - Census of data sources: ✓ Time series: ✓ Fundamental parameters: (Teff, Fe/H, L,pi,…) CoRoT archive -- KASOC archive / Kepler archive -- Ground-based CoRoT complementary archive -- SOHO -- SOHO/VIRGO/PMO6V -- SOHO/VIRGO/DIARAD -- SOHO/VIRGOS/SPM –SOHO/Golf- SOHO/MDI -- SOHO/…LASCO,CELIAS/MTOF/PM/CTOF/STOF/HSTOF/SEM…? -- SDO -- SDO/HMI -- SDO/AIA ? -- SDO/… -- GONG -- Bison -- MARK-I PASTEL -- APOGEE -- P2F -- Hipparcos&Tycho catalogue –(GAIA) -- SSI Stellar Seismic Indices APOGEE (Sloan Digital Survey) -- GAUDI -- Gaia ESO Survey (GES) -- TBL Legacy -- POLLUX ✓ Spectra: (observed & theoretical): Stellar and solar models and oscillation parameters ✓ Stellar models: (Teff, Fe/H, L,pi,…) CF list circulated for inquiry within SpaceInn consortium (aug. 2013) In blue, database within the SPACEINN project
L0 - Census of tools available in the Portal: Tools will appear at different levels of the portal They will be whether implemented in the portal or an access will be provided for already existing tools Examples : - Tools to be implemented: a broad community will be interested in accessing seismic estimates of masses, radii for a large number of stars SSI (seismic indices) Database of ground- based obs (Teff) Tool = scaling relations Output = seismic masses, radii
L0 - Census of tools available in the Portal: Examples : - Already existing tools: visualize specific data to evaluate their interest (look at a spectrum, an image, a time series…) One can use already existing tools such as TOPCAT (Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables, The portal will use/give access to this tool - no implementation needed
The Portal overall architecture – L1 For a given request (e.g., a list of stars), it provides (at least): L1:Where-Is-What? (WIW) - list of sources where data exist, - Access to description of the source content starSource 1Source 2…Source n……… Star 1 XXXXX Star 2 X …X Star n X The Gaudi data base provides access to high resolution spectra collected from XX/…
Possible types of requests – L1 ✓ For stars: ✓ For the Sun: List of stars (use of a cross-identifyer, CDS) Selection by coordinates + magnitude range period(s) of time remarquable events(high activity,…) Obs technique/Spectral domain ? Coordinates (for resolved observation of the Sun) Other? Type of star (main-sequence / red-giant / etc...) Other? Type of variable star (solar-like pulsator / delta-scuti / etc...) ✓ For stars & the Sun: Data type (e.g. time series / spectro / imagery / etc...) Other?
The Portal overall architecture – L2 L2:Data access & Handling Data Access from selected sources to : Visualize specific data to evaluate their interest (look at a spectrum, an image, a time series…) Download them on his personal computer to exploit them (according to a list, a selection by position or magnitude…) starSource 1Source 2…Source n……… Star 1 XXXXX Star 2 X …X Star n XXXX Quick look image: light-curve, spectrum,… if exist Download data from source n Download data for star n
The Portal overall architecture – L2 L2:Data access & Handling starSource 1Source 2…Source n……… Star 1 XXXXX Star 2 X …X Star n XXXX TOOL n New output Data Handling : Use tools made available at the portal to produce new output data from the combination or analysis of input data
Portal / Data source interface The Seismic Plus portal Data Access Layer service Data archive Data description Data access Tools VO standard, protocol and format : TAP : Table Access Protocol SSA : Simple Spectra Access … Specific to data archive Query VOTable XML ? The Portal – technical options
VO standard, protocol and format For example Table Access Protocol (TAP) Defines Web service protocol for accessing general table data: Data queries for data access Metadata queries for data description Testing DaCHS framework (TAP implementation developped by the German VO) with SSI database. Visibility in VO registries and VO tools like TOPCAT, VOSPEC Help to define a common language, vocabulary Make portal developments and maintenance easier Knowledge and support from OV-Paris Location near the database The Portal – technical options
The Portal – Planning & needs Planning : PI: Eric Michel (Kevin Belkacem) Project Manager: Christian Renié VO expertise: OVPARIS/Pierre Le Sidaner Portal develop.: Mahfoudh Abed (CDD SpaceInn) Manpower : -deliverable D3.1, month 12: Set of data access and tools to be implemented
The Portal – Planning & needs Planning : (First) list of data sources and tools -> december 2013 Need to have balanced (ambitious/reasonable) lists Need efficient feed-back from data sources managers: YOU + others Portal Opening (< month 30) Deliverables :