USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 The SiGRiS pilot project: producing value-added, EO-based information for the management of the Seismic Risk S. Salvi 1, S. Vignoli 2, S. Zoffoli 3, P. Soddu 4, and the SIGRIS team 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia 2 Advanced Computer System spa 3 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana 4 Dipartimento della Protezione Civile SiGRiS
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 To exploit the full potential of EO data in the decision chain for the management of the Seismic Risk. Emphasis is put on the operational use of Cosmo- Skymed data. Scope
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Specific objectives To generate value-added products using well- established techniques and methods for: To carry out research to fill gaps in the above fields To demonstrate operational use by the Civil Protection Service To define factors limiting the EO data exploitation 1 - geophysical data extraction from EO data, 2 - geophysical interpretation through a joint modeling of EO and ground data
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 The SIGRIS pilot project is funded by ASI, with 3.7 M€. The project duration is The end User is the Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) The system operator will be INGV More details
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 The research subjects Extraction of geophysical data from EO data –Improvement of the SBAS time-series DInSAR algorithm –Cross validation using different data sets –Integration of geophysical models in the DInSAR processing Geophysical modeling –Improve the modeling for the generation of VA products –Assure a better integration with in-situ observations –Assimilation of the model results in the Seismic Hazard Assessment procedures
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Common requirements of the system products 1.Timeliness 2.Established precision/accuracy 3.Standardization
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Products in two main SRM phases: 1.Knowledge & Prevention, i.e. support to the Seismic Hazard assessment 2.Warning & Crisis, i.e. support to the Emergency management
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Products to support Seismic Hazard assessment
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 High resolution ground velocity maps Data: ERS, ENVISAT, Cosmo Skymed, CGPS Techniques: SBAS, PS-InSAR
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Research on cross validation techniques Research on multiframe data processing (SBAS) Research on how to assimilate ground velocities in SHA Updated every year Validated using CGPS, Leveling, and SAR LoS velocities from various orbits, satellites and bands High resolution ground velocity maps
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Interseismic fault models Mattinata fault model: vertical, right-lateral fault
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Interseismic fault models ~ 3 mm/yr
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Research on inversion techniques Research on model improvements Research on how to assimilate fault models in SHA Interseismic fault models Obtained by analytical inversion models and numerical models Constrained and validated by ground data
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Identification of high strain patterns Mapping and dimensioning of active faults Refinement of seismotectonic models Expected benefits for SHA
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Products to support the Emergency management
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Coseismic deformation and source models Data: ERS, ENVISAT, Cosmo Skymed, ALOS Techniques: Standard DInSAR
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Coseismic deformation and source models Geophysical data: Coseismic ground displacement Coseismic Displacement, cm
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Coseismic deformation and source models ModelStrikeDipRake Length (km) Width (km) Slip (cm) Depth (km) Moment (dyne cm) Mod_A154°46°-77° * x Geophysical model: Geometry, kinematics, and slip distribution of the fault dislocation
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Early damage assessment Data: High resolution optical data, SAR data Techniques: Operator-assisted photo interpretation, DInSAR Geological effects
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Early damage assessment Data: High resolution optical and SAR data Techniques: Automatic change detection, operator-assisted photo interpretation, InSAR Urban damage
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Timeliness: damage é 1-2 days, fault model é 2-6 days Released in successive versions with increased accuracy Crisis products Research on dislocation modeling of DInSAR interferograms Research on data fusion and classification (urban damage)
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Benefits for Crisis management Assessment of possible triggering of neighbouring faults Impact of ground deformation on the hydrological system Assessment of an event scenario More effective search and rescue operations Evolution of damage increments due to aftershocks
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Requirements for Crisis product Fast EO data programming, acquisition and delivery Same acquisition geometry (for change detection and InSAR) Pre-seismic data regularly updated (more frequently for X-band SAR) Minimise processing and validation time (SIGRIS infrastructure)
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Sichuan earthquake - May 12, 2008 April 13th – May 15th stripmap interferogam 3 days after Eq Cosmo-Skymed data Cheng Du
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Sichuan earthquake - May 12, 2008 Cosmo-Skymed data LoS displacement: 7 cm (model) vs. 13 cm (observation)
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Sichuan earthquake - May 12, 2008 April 13th – May 15th stripmap image pair 3 days after Eq Cosmo-Skymed data Inferred damage in red
USEReST Workshop - Naples, Italy, November 11-14, 2008 Final remark on operational use of EO data for SRM 1.Data availability is the most important issue: background missions are mandatory for both K&P and W&C apps, as fast acquisitions are for W&C apps. 2.Algorithms and models should be refined further, although many can already be used operationally