Earthquakes and Volcanos Earth Science Mr.McKay
Earthquakes Earthquake – The shaking and trembling that results from the sudden movement of part of the Earth’s crust –Pebble in pond –Scientists predict over 1,000,000 earthquakes happen each year –Faulting is most common reason for Earthquakes San Andreas Fault –Fault VideoFault Video
Tsunamis Tsunami- A huge wave caused by an earthquake on the floor of the ocean –They can travel at speeds of 700 to 800 MPH –They can reach Heights of 20 meters The height of a 6 Story Building Tsunami Off of Thailand Trouble in Paradise
Seismic Waves Earthquake waves are known as seismic waves –Focus- The point beneath the Earth’s surface where rocks break and move The focus is the point of origin for the earthquake –Epicenter- Directly above the focus on the Earth’s surface Earthquake waves reach the epicenter first Seismic Waves
Primary waves- –P-waves: Seismic waves that travel the fastest They arrive at a given point before any other type of wave They travel through –Solids –Liquids –Gases
Seismic Waves Primary waves- –They move through the Earth differently depending on the material they are traveling through –As they move deeper into the Earth, where it is more dense, they move faster –They are push-pull waves
Seismic Waves Secondary Waves –S-Waves – Seismic waves that do not travel through the Earth as fast as P-waves do –S-waves arrive at a given point after P-waves do –S-waves travel through solids but not liquids and gases
Seismic Waves Surface Waves –L-waves: They are the slowest moving seismic waves They arrive at a given point after P and S waves –They start at the epicenter and move along the Earth’s surface –Earth’s surface moves up and down like water waves do –They cause the most damage to the Earth because they bend and twist the surface
Seismograph Seismograph – An instrument that detects and measures seismic waves –Crude Seismographs around for hundreds of years –The first practical was made in 1893 by John Milne –Consists of A weight attached to a spring or wire A pen attached to the weight that records the movement of the Earth on a paper, that is wound tightly around a constantly moving drum
Seismologists – Scientists who study earthquakes –PSP SeismographPSP Seismograph –They can determine the strength of an earthquake by studying the height of the waves They look at a Seismogram They match the seismogram to a chart called the Richter Scale –Invented in 1935 –The scale is from one to ten, with any earthquake above 6 being very destructive Seismograph
Formation High temperature High Pressure Liquid State Found in pockets called magma chambers –Magma constantly moves and works its way through cracks toward the surface by melting the solid rock Volcanoes –Magma: Rock deep within the Earth
Formation –Lava – Magma that has reached the Earth’s Surface –The place where magma becomes lava is called a Volcano –The opening through which lava erupts is called a vent Volcanoes can have more than one vent –Lava will poor from the sides of a volcano as well as the top Volcanoes
All are not Alike –Some are quiet Lava oozes from a vent –Others are violent With lava and other material hurled hundreds of feet in the air Gases and earth material mix to be seen from miles away –The opening through which lava erupts is called a vent Volcanoes can have more than one vent –Lava will poor from the sides of a volcano as well as the top –EruptionEruption Eruptions
Scientists study the makeup of the lava that spews from the Volcanoes vents to gain knowledge about the interior magma Types of Lava –Dark-colored/ Water –Light-colored/ little Water –Chemical composition of both –Large amounts of gases Steam and carbon dioxide Eruptions
During eruptions many rock fragments are blown into the air –Smallest = volcanic dust –Medium = volcanic ash –Large= volcanic bombs Small volcanic bombs the size of golf balls are called Cinders
Types of Volcanoes Different types of volcanic eruptions form different types of volcanoes –Cinder Cones - made mostly of cinders and other rock particles that have been blown into the air Form from explosive eruptions Cones are not high Narrow base & steep sides –Shield Volcanoes – composed of mostly quiet lava flows Gently sloping, domed shaped mountain forms –Composite Volcanoes – Built up of alternating layers of rock particles and lava First is a violent eruption Then a quiet eruption After many alternating eruptions a cone shape is formed
Types of Volcanoes At the top of a funnel-shaped pit or depression is a pit –Called Crater If it becomes to large it is called a Caldera Super Eruption Discovery Channel :: Virtual Super volcano
Three Major Zones –Nearly all the way around the edge of the Pacific Ocean Called the Ring of Fire –Near the Mediterranean Sea Called the Mediterranean Zone –Third Extends through Iceland to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean Mid-Atlantic Ridge – Long ridge of volcanoes Zones