Dr. Cevat Şener Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Outline Need for SHA Elements Demo Video Suggested Improvement Wrap-up
Need for SHA Seismic Hazard Analysis (SHA) is very important for public safety and hazards mitigation in design and construction of highways, bridges, dams and industrial buildings; for protection of energy facilities, special occupancy structures like hospitals, schools and fire stations; for correct determination of earthquake insurance premiums However, this process is very expensive as involves many models to be applied that need to access several types of data. Hence, seismic hazard/risk maps are not kept up-to-date, or they may not be at required level of granularity.
... and when seismic risks are not considered properly...
SRA SHA Seismic Hazard Analysis is core to Seismic Risk Assessment: While SHA describes the EQ-related phenomena that have potential to cause harm and the associated occurrence frequencies, SRA assesses the probability of occurrence of losses as a result of the seismic hazard. This application/portlet is named “SRA” for historical reasons, and then later renamed to “SHA”.
Elements Engine User Interaction Data Repository SDS Interface Alternative Models and Attenuations Master EQ Source Model
User Interaction Web-based GUI is a portlet on the P-GRADE Portal. It is a multipage portlet 1. Project management 2. Parameter set management 3. Detailed parameter settings 4. Job management JavaScript is used for Google Maps API Parameter value validation Visualization of output graphs
Directory structure for user/project/parameter-set management: portal_work/users/ /sha |----- || ||| parameters ||| job status & logs ||| outputs || ||| … || … | |----- || … | |-----…
It allows embedding alternative models and attenuation relations. Master EQ Source Model is embedded into the hazard calculations. Its Engine handles the job management through WMS client tools of gLite. Number of processors required by the application depends on the number of grids (sub-regions) that the site divided into. Bash scripts are used for Grid job management.
It can access and use EQ catalog data served by SDS (Seismic Data Server) developed by Boğaziçi University, provides official lists of earthquakes, stations and sensor information through a high-level interface through C++ iterators. Data Repository It maintains a data repository for EQ catalogs, fault planes, area sources, site conditions, attenuation relations, produced results... R*-tree index is used to access this repository on SEs.
Demo Video Duration: <4 min. Steps Login to the P-GRADE Portal Check credentials, and switch to the SHA portlet Submit a job for a site in MK Go through the results of a previous job for a site in TR Check the status of the job for the MK site Go through its results when done Video: [click here]click here
Improvement to suggest Project management API For handling a user-level hierarchical project structure Maybe extended to provide a multi-user collaborative environment around projects (models)
Wrap-up It is not straightforward to go along with dynamically changing nature of the seismic hazard problem and to produce up-to-date assessment figures continuously. A Portal-based approach to attack the problem is introduced.
Thank you… Questions? Acknowledgement: This study is supported by the FP7 SEE-GRID-SCI project, funded by the EC under the contract RI