By Satish Girotra Implementation of school infrastructure
RTE requirement for infrastructure:- News Paper Reports after 31 st March RTE infrastructure: - All – weather building consisting of- i) At least one class-room for every teacher ii) An office-cum-store-cum-HM room iii) Barrier free access iv) Separate toilets for boys and girls v) Safe and adequate drinking water facility to all children vi) A kitchen where mid day meal is cooked in the school vii) Playground viii) Arrangements for securing the school building by boundary wall or green fencing
State Requirement : - After appraisal State have to work out infrastructural requirement after computing all completed, in progress and not started works. This can be done Work out, through infrastructural survey From DISE Sanitation and water supply for rural schools to be worked out Work out time taken to complete the balance infrastructure
How to complete the infrastructure : - Improving management structure Improving monitoring Improving/increasing technical personals Bottlenecks: - Non availability of land Non availability of personals Non availability of detailed drawings with district, sub district Non availability of VCC/community manual with each school
Child friendly schools
SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN Building Rural Primary Schools Towards Improved Designs
The Expansion of the school Making the most out of the expansion of the school SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN
The New Primary School Value addition through design SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN
Disaster Management
Pakistan-earthquake-pictures-1 House
WHY EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT STRUCTURE REQUIRED? Safety of human lives. Ordinary building should not suffer total or partial collapse It may sustain such damage which could be repaired quickly. It should not suffer irreparable damage which would required demolishing and rebuilding.
The damage to an important building should even be less so that the functioning of the activity during post – emergency period may continue unhampered and the community buildings may be used as temporary for the adversely affected people.
SEISMIC ZONES Over 60% of India ’ s land under Seismic Zones III, IV & V
IS codes (for reference) Sl. No Indian Seismic Code No. Description 1 National building code 2005 the code deals with all aspects of the buildings 2 IS 1893 (Part ) Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structure 3IS Practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of building. 4IS Guidelines for improving earthquake resistant of low strength masonry building. 5IS Ductile detailing of reinforce concrete structure subject to seismic force. 6IS Recommendation for basic requirements of school buildings 7IS Structural design of buildings
Barrier free environments
Providing a barrier free environment Being sensitive to the needs of the special child in designing the school building Incorporation of additional features in new buildings – modifications to existing buildings Following the provisions of IS 4963 (1987) in conjunction with IS 4838 Part 1 (1969) SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN
Providing a barrier free environment Children with locomotor impairment… Includes children with non ambulatory and semi ambulatory disabilities Gates, approach road and steps to allow for smooth movement. Ramps with handrails to be provided. No major level differences within building. Reduce passages and corridors. Toilets to be provided with adjustable seat, grab rail and ramp. SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN
States responsibility : - Whether sufficient design drawings are available Whether sufficient VCC/community manual are available Whether design drawing have been prepared with necessary earth quake resistant, provision and vertical expansion designs Whether engineers are getting refresher training regularly Whether district plan have been prepared as per requirement of name of the school and infrastructure required there in Whether necessary land is available Whether the school campus plan where infrastructure is required has been prepared and incremental planning marked
Quality control : - Construction quality for any infrastructure is very important. For example i) Collapse of Shahdara building ii) Collapse of Thane building
WHAT ARE BASIC REQUIREMENT FOR QUALITY WORK Adequate Supervision Structure Trained Community Quality Building material Trained Work force Inbuilt Quality control measures
Community Participation community participation in all civil work activities is mandatory. The contractors have been replaced by the community, Training of community to execute civil works successfully is essential requirement. SMC shall be trained and shall participate in civil works. As a campaign SMC are imparted training by resource persons and technical personals at Block or cluster level.
Design :- Design for whole school concept A team for designing consisting of professional like design engineer, Architects, experts on energy efficient, green building, Structural engineer, Pedagogic, gender, CWN expert, child friendly element component expert, External and internal element expert Disaster management components. All factors where ever required.
QUALITY CONTROL MEASURES Visual inspection. Quantitative Quality measures. Testing of building material like;- Sand Bricks Concrete Mix Cement water ratio Cement mortar
3RD PARTY EVALUATION DURING CONSTRUCTION: ● There are huge targets under SSA. ● it is necessary to have in-built quality control system during construction. ● As an additional precaution to safeguard quality measures, 3rd party evaluation system during construction was made mandatory. ● The 3rd party quality assurance will not only impart guidance to the field engineers but will alert the field engineers and the community to built quality structure and adopt quality control tests. ● Gujarat, Rajasthan, Karnataka, and Maharashtra and many other States are having 3 rd party evaluation system. ● Some other states have initiated the process.