Web-based Class Project on Rock Mechanics Report prepared as part of course CEE 544: Rock Mechanics Winter 2015 Semester Instructor: Professor Dimitrios Zekkos Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Michigan Coseismic Landslide Hazard Modeling Methodologies Prepared by: Jennifer Von Voigtlander With the Support of:
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Coseismic Landslide Hazard Modeling Methodologies Jennifer Von Voigtlander
Coseismic landslides are the phenomena resulting from an earthquake that produced ground accelerations that exceed the threshold necessary to initiate slope failure (Newmark, 1965) Detrimental economic and human loss (Keefer, 1994) Massive volumes of rock and soil are displaced (Keefer, 1994) Methodology and Analysis Conclusions Introduction Yuxia, 2008
Landslide hazard modeling (e.g. Keefer et al., 2002; Dia et al., 2011) – Spatial and temporal domains – Probabilistic or Deterministic – Involves multiple variable incorporation Past slope failures Environmental conditions Geologic and geotechnical parameters Other phenomena associated with an area Importance of landslide hazard modeling (e.g. Brenning, 2005; Nowicki et al., 2014) – Aids in land-use development and emergency planning – Aids disaster relief teams in recovery and reconstruction following a seismic event Methodology and Analysis Conclusions Introduction
Common Methods – Statistical techniques: preferable, minimizes subjectivity in weightage assignment procedure, producing more objective and reproducible results (Kangungo et al., 2009) Logistic regression Artificial neural networks (ANN) Discriminant analysis Support vector machines Bootstrap-aggregated classification trees – Physical techniques: based on simple mechanical laws instead of complete landslide inventories and data (Pardeshi et al., 2013) Newmark Sliding block Methodology and Analysis Conclusions Introduction
Review – Statistical techniques Logistic Regression – Nowicki et al., 2014 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) – Li et al., 2012 – Physical techniques Capacity-Demand – Romeo et al., 2007 Methodology and Analysis Conclusions Introduction Romeo et al., 2007
Most commonly used statistical prediction technique (Nowicki et al., 2014) Lower rate of conditional error compared to other modeling techniques (Brenning, 2005) High generalization capability (Pardeshi et al., 2013) Methodology and Analysis Logistic Regression Conclusions Introduction
Defined by formula coefficients and linear combination of predictor variables models the presence or absence of a landslide in a particular area (Brenning, 2005) Limitations: – Linear nature of covariant relationships fewer variables may be accounted for in the model (Pardeshi et al., 2013) Methodology and Analysis Logistic Regression Conclusions Introduction
Nowicki et al., 2014 Failure may be due to other factors this model neglected – Previous slope failures or environmental contributions Separate regression models may be needed for more accurate landslide prediction Stronger correlation with PGA and slope rather than friction and compound topography index (CTI) Methodology and Analysis Logistic Regression Conclusions Introduction
Non-linear bonds between three or more layers of nodes (Lillesand et al., 2008; Paradeshi et al., 2013) – Connections are based on weighting of inputs – More variable incorporation Adds hidden layers allowing for more complex problems – Allows of more complex relationships between variables to be accounted for – Predicts classification schemes with increased accuracy Inputs (Lillesand et al., 2008) – Spectral bands from remote sensing images – Textural features – Other inputs obtained from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) slope, aspect, and elevation Methodology and Analysis Artificial Neural Network Conclusions Introduction
Methodology and Analysis Artificial Neural Network Conclusions Introduction Lillisand et al., 2008
Limitations (Lillesand et al., 2008; Paradeshi et al., 2013) – Increased variable incorporation restricts generalization capability of the model & increases training time – Variable relationships heavily dependent on supplied training data – May not reach an absolute minimum error – Not guaranteed to find the most ideal solutions Methodology and Analysis Artificial Neural Network Conclusions Introduction
Li et al., 2012 Analyzed landslide susceptibility when induced by rainfall and seismic activity Results: – No conclusive relationship between landslide hazard and lithology or catchment area – Slope aspect and elevation contribute to landslide susceptibility Methodology and Analysis Artificial Neural Network Conclusions Introduction
Ideal to use in areas of incomplete landslide inventories (Pardeshi et al., 2013) Simple way to predict coseismic displacement in a specified shaking scenario Determines the probability that a specified amount of seismic shaking will be exceeded, resulting in displacement (Romeo et al., 2000) Methodology and Analysis Capacity-Demand Analysis Conclusions Introduction
Mechanical laws are utilized to understand the effects of seismic activity and its relation to slope stability (Romeo et al., 2000) Relies on Newmark (1965) sliding block model Methodology and Analysis Capacity-Demand Analysis Conclusions Introduction
Methodology and Analysis Capacity-Demand Analysis Conclusions Introduction Romeo et al., 2007 Where D C is the critical displacement for an intensity, Y, exceeded at a mean annual rate, P(.)
Methodology and Analysis Capacity-Demand Analysis Conclusions Introduction Romeo et al., 2007 Only valid in Northridge, California where it was calibrated, the equation is not valid on a global scale Model needs to be expended by means of further variable incorporation for proper risk assessment
Aims to finding the optimal prediction model – Produce no false-negatives and no false-positives – Predict on a global scale, spatially and temporally Assessment limited to regional scale – Susceptibility is affected by certain geomorphic or climatic variables particular to a specific area Spatial models lack incorporation of environmental conditions which induce rock-strength weakening and temporal models do not incorporate pre-event variables – Such as rainfall prior to a seismic event, or other tectonic and volcanic activity Methodology and Analysis Conclusions Introduction
Further improvement to hazard analysis is necessary in order to more correctly predict landslide hazard in space and time Methodology and Analysis Conclusions Introduction
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