Sample Family Budget
Learn to Live on a Budget A budget or spending plan helps you track the money you earn (income) and where the money goes (expenses). A budget can also help you determine how to spend and save, no matter how much — or how little — money you have. Create a Spending Plan Setting up a spending plan is a simple way to monitor your spending habits. Pretend you have $300 available to you this month from working a job. What would you do with it? 1. Identify your income — $ Track your spending. 3. Review the results. Your Income$300 Your Proposed ExpensesExpense DescriptionAmount Balance Bring your list back to class next week for discussion.
Guest Speaker — Banker Next week, a special guest from a local bank will be visiting our class. During the visit, our guest speaker will discuss how a bank works and the different services offered to customers. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask the banker questions. Your homework this week is to brainstorm at least three questions for the banker’s visit. Write them below and bring them to class next week Write questions and bring them to class next week.