INDIAN RAILWAY CONFERENCE 9 th Dec.2014 Presenter - Anil Gupta (President & Head Infrastructure) Building a Successful Metro Presenter: N.S.Shekhawat Director, Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt Ltd. (The presentation reflects the views of the presenter and not that of the Co. or any other Organisation)
What is a Successful Metro ? Meeting expectations of all key stakeholders Building it successfully Government Banker Owner/Concessionaire Builder Operator Public Suppliers
What are the expectations ? Government Banker Owner/Concessionaire Builder Finance & build a safe, secure and reliable metro system Safety of money invested Return on investment Reasonable Returns Security by Government Insulated from policy shifts and changes in law impacting viability Timely completion No cost escalation Safe completion Returns
What are the expectations ? Operator Public Suppliers Safe operation Returns Safe Journey Frequent services Reasonable fare/Return Reliable Convenient Comfortable Clarity on specifications Supply projections Returns
Have we been able to meet the expectations ?
Any complaints ? Government Banker Owner/Concessionaire Builder Delays Perceived high fares Nagging doubts about overemphasis on returns at the cost of others Worried about safety of investments Fair treatment Policy shifts, un-coordinated development Unremunerative,Risk cap/Exit route Approvals (Fire, pollution, AAI, Safety, Technical system’s approval …..) Public utility removals Traffic restrictions
Any complaints ? Operator Public Supplier Security restrictions Uncapped risks due to accidents Service disruptions Overcrowding Infrequent services Inconvenient High Fares Lack of Long term projections Lack of Balanced specifications Lack of Clarity on specifications Lack of Timely payments Lack of Quick decision making
A Successful Metro Built in time Built within budgeted cost Safe Financially /Economically viable Robust (Continual improvement) (Long term safety, reliability & operating cost) Frequent service Comfortable Convenient Reasonable fare
How do we go about it Efficient eco system Perspective planning Coordinated development Desire to learn from experience Institutionalize the learning Post audit/Value Engineering Brain storming sessions Wide participation Consensus development Skill development Indigenization of equipment and parts Pooling of resources Independent auditors for safety, quality, energy….
Common external bottlenecks in project execution Non availability of unencumbered ROW Lack of clarity on system wide requirements Design Operation Maintenance Facilities Lack of clarity (Information/documentation) on various approval process Fire Systems Safety Others ….. Delay in work by others Access road, power, drainage works, Sewer line, connectivity works ….
Common internal issues in project execution Contract packaging & administration Interface management Finance Resource shortage Organizational issues Decision making Command & control structure Authorizations Responsibility & accountability
Efficient execution process Dynamic planning & resource orientation Contingency plans Decentralization of decision making Keeping tab on larger picture (ROW, access Depot, RS, testing & trials, approvals) Interface management Work by others (Power line crossing; civil structures, infringement removal, traffic management, power supply) Lateral thinking & Value Engineering Decisions & Approvals Approval of statutory authorities Security Efficient work measurement system & payments Procurement of long lead items Commissioning preparedness
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