The test will be on Wednesday, June 1 50 questions, 60% is passing There are FOUR subject areas covered: A.Money/Money Management/Personal Finance B. Banks & Banking C.Credit D. Insurance & Investing This will count as your Final Exam (10% of your overall grade.) has many practice tests CASE SENSITIVE Login: Shs360 Password: hS3420 Why study for this? 1. Board of Ed. is paying for it 2. Certifications matter when seeking employment 3. it is your final exam 4. Do not let opportunities pass you by EXTRA CREDIT: ATTEND STUDY SESSION 2:59 to 3:45 everyday starting Tuesday 5/17 W!SE Financial Literacy Exam 5/16 W!SE practice 5/17 W!SE Review Subject A 5/18 W!SE Review Subject A 5/19 W!SE Review Subject B 5/20 W!SE Review Subject B 5/23 W!SE Review Subject C 5/24 W!SE Review Subject C 5/25 IES Field Trip? 5/26 W!SE Review Subject D 5/27 W!SE Review Subject D 5/30 NO CLASSES Memorial Day 5/31 Final W!SE REVIEW 6/1 *W!SE TEST 6/2 *W!SE Make-up 6/3
A - Money / Money Management / Personal Financial Planning Barter Garnishment Gross vs. Net Pay Inflation Social Security Tax (FICA) Windfall Income Compound Interest Principal Simple Interest Rule of 72 Time Value of Money 401k, 403b Mortgage ( Fixed vs. Adjustable) Equity Consumer Price Index (CPI) Asset Liability Net worth Pension Real Estate IRA Budget Deficit Emergency Fund Fixed Expense Short, Intermediary, and Long-term goal Needs vs. Wants Opportunity Cost Pay yourself first rule Variable Expense SEC Helpful websites: Junior Achievement Federal Reserve Bank
B - Banks & Banking S & L Bank Brokerage /Securities U.S. Savings Bond ( EE HH) Safe Deposit Box U.S. Treasury Department Federal Reserve Bank Bounced Check Cashier’s Check Credit Union Accountant Banker Collateralized Loan Commercial Bank Money Order Reconcile FDIC IRS Helpful websites:
C - Credit 3 C’s of credit APR Bankruptcy Chapters 7,11, 13 Consumer Credit Counseling Services Collateral FICO Score Credit Reporting Agencies Revolving Credit Installment Credit Truth in Lending Act Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Repossession Predatory Lending Default Lien Payday Loans Finance Charge Helpful websites :
D - Insurance & Investing Deductible Beneficiary Cash Value Claim Death Benefit Disability Insurance Securities Stock (Growth, Income, common, preferred) Treasury Bill (T-Bill) Treasury Note (T-Note) Risk Whole vs. Term Life Insurance Renters Insurance Rider / Floater Bull vs. Bear Market Blue Chip Stock Bond Capital Gain Diversification Return on Investment (ROI) Homeowners Insurance Insurance Premium Broker Financial Planner Dividend Dow Jones Liquidity Mutual Fund NASDAQ S & P 500 Helpful websites: Insurance Information