Unparalleled marketing. Superior results.
Coldwell Banker Village Green Realty has always been on the cutting edge. We were the first company in our marketplace to have a website and to adopt first virtual and now video tours company wide. We are at the top of our game now. Its not enough to throw a real estate listing on the internet and CLICKIT. In the past 10 years the way properties must be marketed and the way buyers find properties has changed drastically. Buyers are sophisticated, they know that almost everything they want to know about a property is available on the internet……if they can find it.
Most companies will put your property on MLS. The MLS system will automatically send those listings out to Realtor.com, Zillow.com, and Trulia.com. Most companies will put your property on their company website. So…is there really any difference between one company and another’s ability to effectively market your property online? ABSOLUTELY
How fast a buyer can locate your home on real estate websites is affected by 2 things. 1. Advertising space your broker pays for and the total amount of resources they put behind their internet marketing. 2. Optimization of the appearance of your property by adding pictures, video, special messages and calls to action.
We know what buyers want. We retain a nationally renowned real estate marketing consultant. Their advice in combination with our local marekt expertise has given us a crystal clear understanding of what type of content our buyers want to see. Our full-time internet research staff has developed a system that combines advertisement and optimization to provide your buyers with the content and information they want as part of your listing, and give them the best chance to see it before they see a comparable listing.
Why we have a staff videographer and editor who will film your home if it qualifies. Buyers choose video results in searches over text alone. Buyers sort their searches on national real estate websites based on whether or not homes have a video. Internet views of properties with video vs. properties without are 10:1 Buyers spend 48 seconds on a real estate website. Buyers spend 5 minutes and 50 seconds on a website that has video. YouTube, an all video search engine is the 2nd largest in the world, just behind Google So, we can give you up to 10 times the exposure on your property.
It’s not enough to just load your video onto YouTube and marvel at it. No one will see it. We research search terms and buyer behavior daily and tag your home’s video accordingly to cultivate your property in the search results in YouTube and Google. We promote our videos on our social media channels. We link your home’s video to ColdwellBanker.com, Realtor.com, Trulia.com, and Zillow.com.
On Realtor.com and Trulia.com 80% of buyers sort their searches by the number of photographs. We own positions on these sites that allow us to feature your home with the maximum number of photos allowable. We will optimize each listing with extras; Multiple call- to-action messages and special information directly from your agent. Research shows that the more information available, the more confident the buyer becomes.
Our full-time staff painstakingly checks the appearance of your listing on: ColdwellBanker.com VillageGreenRealty.com Realtor.com Trulia.com Zillow.com We search for your home as a buyer would. We make certain that when buyers are looking for your home, they are able to find it and contact your agent immediately. We use a lead alert system called Lead Router which immediately calls your agent’s cell phone the moment a buyer makes an inquiry on your listing on a website. When we’ve made certain that your listing is appearing properly on all these sites we send you an containing links to your home on each site.
We will send you property traffic reports ColdwellBanker.com VillageGreenRealty.com Realtor.com Trulia.com Zillow.com These reports help us determine if you need to make adjustments in strategy and will give you insight into the hundreds and sometimes thousands of on-line viewers who have viewed your property details.
ColdwellBanker.com ranks closely with the 3 other major real estate websites Listing your home with us means exposure on a global platform that other companies do not offer you. The new VillageGreenRealty.com The new incarnation of VillageGreenRealty.com; launching in 2013, gives buyers a search and discovery experience that is unmatched in our marketplace. Social Media We are ever-present and active in our local communities and on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Buyers can find us, your agent and a wealth of information on our communities.
Professionally optimized searches Video tours Unparalleled Internet marketing Enhanced Property profiles Full time technology staff Instant response Customized reporting Cutting edge website & consumer search The choice is clear; we are your perfect partner