2014-2015 Video Streaming Training Sessions for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Administrators Training Session #3 Career Development and Academic.


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Presentation transcript:

Video Streaming Training Sessions for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Administrators Training Session #3 Career Development and Academic and Career Plans of Study Part I of II Joseph Wharff Virginia Department of Education July 17, 2014

Agenda  Welcome and Introduction  Academic and Career Plan Requirements  Academic and Career Plan Development  School Counseling and Career Development  Grades K-5- Career Awareness and Exploration  Grades 6-8- Career Development and Planning  Grades Career Focus and Experiences  Resources for ACP Development Implementing Academic and Career Plans of Study, Part I

ACP Requirements Beginning with the academic year, all schools shall begin development of a personal Academic and Career Plan for each seventh-grade student with completion by the fall of the student’s eighth-grade year Students who transfer from other than a Virginia public school into the eighth-grade shall have the Plan developed as soon as practicable following enrollment Beginning with the academic year, students who transfer into a Virginia public school after their eighth-grade year shall have an Academic and Career Plan developed upon enrollment

Shall include, but not be limited to:  The student’s program of study for high school graduation that is aligned with a postsecondary career pathway and/or college entrance  Postsecondary career pathway based on student’s academic and career interests ACP Requirements (cont.)

The Academic and Career Plan shall be developed in accordance with guidelines established by the Board of Education. Shall be signed by the student, student’s parent or guardian, and school official(s) designated by the principal. The Plan shall be included in the student's record and shall be reviewed and updated, if necessary, before the student enters the ninth and eleventh grades. The school shall have met its obligation for parental involvement if it makes a good faith effort to notify the parent or guardian of the responsibility for the development and approval of the Plan. Source: Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia (SOA) - 8 VAC : College and career preparation programs and opportunities for postsecondary credit. 

ACP Development  ACP comprehensive and developmental process  Elementary, Middle and High School  Purposeful and collaborative  Electives/CTE courses aligned to workforce needs  Dual Enrollment  Work-based Learning Opportunities  Collaboration!  Administrators, Teachers, School Counselors, CTE, Special Education, Business and Industry, and Postsecondary education

 Collaboration and Planning  Grade-level meeting(s)  Career Guidance  Accessing students  Career Assessments  Interest/Values/Skills  Classroom/Group Guidance  Career clusters/pathways  Aligning Interests, Courses, and Goals  Resources ACP Development continued

 Begin with the End in Mind  Establish your goal?  Identify Key Roles and Responsibilities  Create a Timeline for Implementation  Obtain High-level Administrative Support  Take One Step at a Time ACP Development continued

 Grades K- 5  Career Awareness and Exploration  Goals - Clusters  Grades 6-8  Career Development & Planning  Clusters - Pathways  Grades 9-12  Career Focus and Experiences  Pathways - CTE/Credentials - Postsecondary School Counseling and Career Development

Essential Components  What is a Career?  Goal Setting  Introduction to Career Clusters  Virginia Career View Career Awareness and Exploration, Grades K-5

Essential Components  Interest assessment  Career cluster and pathway deep dive  Connecting interests with careerplanning  Rigor and relevance  Course planning- academic and CTE  Academic and Career Plan (ACP) Development Career Development & Planning, Grades 6-8

Career Development Resource, Grades 6- adult Virginia Education Wizard

What are Career Clusters? Career Clusters are groupings of occupations and industries that are used for:  Organizing curriculum design, and  Career counseling and guidance.

16 16 Career Clusters chnical/career_clusters/index.shtml chnical/career_clusters/index.shtml  Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources  Architecture & Construction  Arts, A/V Technology & Communications  Business Management & Administration  Education & Training  Finance  Government & Public Administration  Health Science

16 16 Career Clusters /career_clusters/index.shtml /career_clusters/index.shtml  Hospitality & Tourism  Human Services  Information Technology  Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security  Manufacturing  Marketing  Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)  Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

79 Career Pathways  Within each career cluster, there are multiple career pathways that represent a common set of skills and knowledge, both academic and technical, necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within that pathway – ranging from entry level to management, including technical and professional career specialties.

 Prepares you for careers in financial and investment planning, banking, insurance and business financial management. Sample careers include: Stock Broker, Insurance Agent, Loan Officer, Banker, Financial Planner, Tax Examiner

Pathways:  Securities and Investments  Business Finance  Accounting  Insurance  Banking Services

Finance Plans of Study Cluster Knowledge and Skills Grade Securities and Investments Pathway K & S Specific Skill Preparation May Continue Adult Education Entry and Exit Points Courtesy of Benson Consulting – July 2007 Banking Services Pathway K & S Pathway K & S Business Finance Pathway K & S Insurance Pathway K & S Pathway K & S Accounting Pathway K & S

Essential Components  CTE courses  Problem-Based Learning  Work-Based Learning  Dual Enrollment  Labor Market Projections 2020  Business and Industry Partnerships Career Focus and Experiences, Grades 9-12

Career and Technical Education in Virginia  Serves more than 277,068 students in grades 6-12  Virginia offers 350+ CTE courses validated by teaching professionals and business and industry  22 Governor’s STEM Academies  9 Governor’s Health Science Academies  Dual enrollment, diploma seals, industry credentialing






R U Ready? Magazine Youth Appealing magazine Promotes Career Preparation through Pathways Online and in print Targeted Audience: Freshmen-High School Plans for Life After High School Opportunities in High School Teachers Guide

 Academic and Career Plan Webpage on/academic_career_plan.shtml  Career Clusters and Pathways echnical/career_clusters/index.shtml  CTE Resource Center (APG/CPG)  School Counseling and Guidance nseling/index.shtml nseling/index.shtml Web Resources

Send questions regarding Session 3 to Joseph Wharff at Wrap Up Archived Presentations Part II of Series: Career Development and Academic and Career Plans of Study: Connecting Secondary and Postsecondary Education, December 11, 2014 Session 8: November 6, 2014 School Counselor Advisement: Industry Certifications Evaluation: Please access the VDOE Web site Academic and Career Plans of Study

Announcements Session 4: Health and Safety and Department of Labor and Industry Regulations July 24, :30 pm July Video Streaming Training Session

Questions and Answers Lolita B. Hall Director B. Anne RoweGeorge R. Willcox CTE Coordinator Joseph A. Wharff School Counseling Career Connections Virginia Department of Education P. O. Box 2120 Richmond, Virginia CTE Website: