Performance Management Towards excellence Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Ministry of Medical Services
Performance Management Objectives An overview of the performance Management; Understand the Performance Management; Understand the Performance Management activities and processes; Importance of Performance Management to HRM and the role of HRM in Performance management; and Overview of Performance Management in the Civil Service.
INTRODUCTION TO PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM (PAS) The Performance Appraisal System is a critical component of the overall human resource management function in the Civil Service and Local Authorities. It is predicated upon the principle of work planning, setting of agreed performance targets, feedback and reporting. It is linked to other human resource management systems and processes including recruitment, placement, staff development, career progression, incentives and sanctions.
Purpose of Performance Management Performance Management is a means of getting better results from the organization teams and individuals by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, standards and competence requirements; It is a process for establishing a shared understanding about what is to be achieved; and An approach to managing and developing people in a way that increases the probability that it will be achieved in the short and long term Performance Management process is owned and driven by line management. Performance Management
SCOPE OF APPLICATION The PAS shall apply to all categories of staff in the Civil Service and Local Authorities. Form GP 247A(Revised 2008) will be completed in triplicate by officers on Job Group ‘H’ and above in the Civil Service and officers on Salary Scale 1-9 in Local Authorities and distributed as follows after the evaluation process: original to the Secretary, Public Service Commission, duplicate to the appraisee’s confidential file and triplicate to be retained by the Appraisee. GP 247B will be completed in duplicate by officers on Job Group ‘G’ and below in the Civil Service and officers on Salary Scale 10 and below in Local Authorities and distributed as follows after the evaluation process: original will be kept in the Appraisee’s confidential file, while the duplicate shall be retained by the Appraisee. Note: All newly employed/promoted/redeployed officers will be required to complete the relevant Performance Appraisal Forms within three (3) months of employment/promotion/redeployment
COMPONENTS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCESS Work planning and setting of performance targets Values and competences assessment Monitoring and Evaluation End of year appraisal Rewards and Sanctions Note: The Performance Appraisal period will be one(1) year starting from 1st July to 30th June of the following year. The Performance Appraisal reflects the summation of the year’s performance. The Performance Appraisal is an ongoing process throughout the performance period. Milestones over the review period should be documented and maintained in the Appraisees file.
ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CHALLENGES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PAS ROLES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PAS Permanent Secretary Responsible for the institutionalization of PAS in respective Ministry/Department HRM Head in Ministry/Department Co-ordinates implementation of PAS in Ministry/Department Gives guidance on PAS Ensures deadlines are met and reporting system is established Prepares and submits status/progress reports to MSPS
Heads of Department/Division/ Unit Define jobs for all officers/allocate tasks to officers in the department/division/unit Ensure each officer is aware of the departmental work plan, objectives, Performance Contract and service charter Ensure availability of strategic plans, Ministerial Performance Contracts, departmental Performance Contracts, Departmental work plans, Service charters to staff. Ensure development of individual work plans and setting of performance targets in the department/division/unit Ensure compliance to set time frames Sensitize all officers on objectives of the department and PAS
(iii) Supervisor Defines and allocates jobs to all officers he/she supervises Ensures the job incumbent knows what he/she is accountable for and what needs to be done to succeed Monitors progress and manages the appraisee’s performance by regularly obtaining feedback and communicating with the appraisee Ensures officers prepare individual work plans Discusses and agrees on individual targets Requests and receives quarterly reports at the specified timelines from officers Ensures resources as indicated in the appraisee’s individual work plan are provided Coaching and mentoring Records milestones Carries out mid-year staff performance appraisal Carries out end of year appraisal Reports on training needs of all officers he/she supervises to the officer in charge of training
(iv) Individual Officer Requests for departmental work plan and objectives from the supervisor to be able to develop individual work plan Indicates resource requirements in the work plan and discusses with supervisor Gives regular feedback on his/her performance and points out any problems being encountered Discusses departmental workplan with supervisor Develops individual work plan Sets and agrees on targets with supervisor Keeps record of work done Prepares quarterly performance Reports and avails them to the supervisor as and when they are required(This is a mandatory requirement) Accountable for meeting the set agreed targets
(v) PAS Champions Assist the head of Human Resource Management in facilitating the implementation of PAS in the Ministry/Department Sensitization of staff in a Ministry on the Performance Appraisal System Ensure availability of necessary documents for individual work planning (Ministerial Strategic Plans, Annual work plans, Departmental Work plans, Ministerial/Departmental Performance Contracts, and Ministerial/Departmental Service Charters) Coaching on individual work planning, setting of S.M.A.R.T Targets and performance reporting Mainstream training on change management and mindsets change in Ministerial Training Programmes Assist the Head of Human Resource management in a Ministry to prepare progress reports on implementation of PAS as per the set timelines
(vi) Ministerial Performance Management Committees According to the Revised Performance Appraisal (2008), Performance Management Committees (PMC’s) are supposed to be formed by the Authorized Officer to perform the following duties: Meet on quarterly basis to discuss the departmental Quarterly Performance reports(Returns) and assess level of performance Arbitrate on cases of Performance Evaluation disagreements Conduct Performance Audits Recommend to the Authorized Officer Sanctions for poor performance and very poor performance and rewards for excellent performance Validate and sign all Recommended Performance Appraisal reports on behalf of the Authorized Officer Establish to what extent all the set targets on the performance Contract of the Permanent Secretary have been achieved, identify any challenges and advise him/her accordingly
Committees in the Ministry will perform the above duties at different levels Ministerial Performance Management Committee Provincial Director of Public Health Management Team District Medical Officer Of Health Management Team Hospital Management Team
COMMON CHALLENGES Lack of role models and commitment by senior staff; commitment of senior staff is critical for successful implementation of PAS Over delegation of PAS responsibilities/tasks Mindsets/resistance/skepticism, Lack of willingness to embrace change Lack of clear job descriptions Inadequate funds for facilitating activities needed in the implementation process Understanding of the Appraisal System as all officers may not have comprehended it well
Challenges cont……….. Champions who are supposed to facilitate implementation of PAS in Ministries/Departments are not taking the responsibility seriously as set by the appointing authority Difficulties in developing individual work-plans Problems in setting S.M.A.R.T performance targets Failure to submit performance reports in a standardized format and in some cases failure by officers to submit quarterly reports at all Inadequate appraising skills Non-availability of the necessary documents to inform on PAS for example for individual work-planning and setting of targets these include. Strategic plans, performance contracts (ministerial and departmental), departmental work plans and service charters.
FEATURES OF GP247A (Revised 2008) Appraisees will be required to provide performance indicators to support achievements Previous year’s performance shall be indicated under section 3. In the same section, the column on reasons has been removed. The rating scale ranges from 70% for very poor performance to 101% for excellent performance. Performance below 80% automatically attracts sanctions The comments by the supervisor and the appraisee on the appraisee’s performance have been included under section 3 Under section 4(b) second supervisor’s comments on whether the targets set by both the first supervisor and the appraisee are S.M.A.R.T has been introduced.
Features cont……. In addition to the core values of Integrity and respect for National/Gender diversity, new values of meritocracy, fairness and confidentiality have been introduced to replace patriotism Under section 5(b), a new competence on managing and evaluating performance has been added. In section 6 (b), a new column on performance indicators has been introduced while the column on reasons has been removed. A note guiding how appraises shall be appraised in the event of transfers, promotion, redeployment or assignment of other duties other than those set and agreed at the beginning of the appraisal year has also been introduced
Features cont……. In section 7 (iv), the appraisee is accorded a chance to comment on his/her supervisor’s contribution to his /her performance A new section (section 7) on recommended rewards or sanctions has been introduced. The section amplifies what kind of performance will attract rewards, sanctions and what form the rewards and sanctions they will be. The same section introduces a subsection where the Ministerial performance management Committee will give an appropriate recommendation to the Authorized Officer and make any further comments.
FEATURES OF GP247B GP 247 is an instrument for officers on Job Group ‘G’ and below in the Civil Service and officers on salary scale 10 and above in the Local Authorities. These are officers not previously covered. The instrument is similar to the GP247 A except in the following areas – The form is completed in duplicate and one copy is retained by the appraisee while the duplicate is filed in the officer’s confidential file at the end of the evaluation process and no copy is submitted to the Public Service Commission In section 4(b), the head of section is the one to comment on whether the targets set by both the appraisee and the supervisor are S.M.A.R.T. This takes into account the nature of the supervision of officers in this category where several of them could be under a section head Core values include co-operation which is critical in enhancing teamwork Core competencies for these officers include proper use of resources which takes into account the nature of the tasks they perform for example photocopying, cleaning and dispatching of mail
Performance Management The End Performance Management