PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS EXPLAINED The Performance Appraisal is a tool used to provide the employee with the following: Performance feedback Improvements and deficiencies in employee development Increased and decreased employee productivity A safeguard for both the College and employees from legal liability
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: COMMON MISTAKES Failure to conduct evaluations Failure to evaluate all employees Failure to conduct evaluations regularly and punctually Failure to document negative and positive performance Failure to document performance and behavioral deficiencies
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: COMMON MISTAKES (CONT’D) Failure to establish consequences of performance deficiencies Disallowing employees opportunity to comment on their appraisals Using the appraisal to retaliate against an employee Have a witness sign when employee does not want to sign performance appraisal Recommendation: Witness must be at supervisor’s level or above
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS Be informed and kept “in the loop” Receive due credit Receive constructive feedback Awareness of appraisal points prior to appraisal completion Honest input regarding opportunities for advancement
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS (CONT’D) Employment in a motivating environment Freedom to discuss discrepancies Identify and eliminate performance problems Recognize and motivate quality performance Opportunities for baseline performers to improve contributions Document and support employment decisions
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS I.Gather documentation II.Develop the written appraisal III.Review the written appraisal with chain of command (if necessary) IV.Conduct the appraisal review session I.Common Mistakes II.Maximizing the Review V.Potential Emotional Reactions
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) I.Gather Documentation a)Personal observation Observe actual performance and objectively review results b)Feedback documentation Use performance notes made throughout the year c)Personnel File Examine past performance reviews, discipline records, and awards d)Measurement tools Check documents that support performance rating. Examples: Time clock reports for attendance and tardiness, etc. e)Others’ observations Review supervisor, manager, co-worker comments
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) II.Develop Appraisal Guidelines for writing appraisals a)Set aside dedicated time Gather performance documentation and eliminate interruptions b)Evaluate performance based on expectations Review established expectations, job description, performance goals c)Rate how well expectations were met d)Give honest ratings Acknowledge strengths and address ongoing problems e)Provide specific examples Avoid generalities, note specific contributions and accomplishments f)Avoid personal and subjective statements No exaggerations, no character attacks
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) III.Review the written appraisal with chain of command a)Request guidance from chain of command and/or Human Resources when performance appraisal is below expectations b)Develop Employee Improvement Plan for each employee when necessary Establish goals and expectations for employee Follow up accordingly on established measures to record the progress
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) IV.Conducting the Appraisal Review session – Common Mistakes a)Manager is ill-prepared b)Employee is not given adequate notice c)Discussion is rushed or interrupted d)Employee is not given the opportunity to comment e)Manager’s tone is punitive or condescending
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) IV.Conducting the Appraisal Review session - Maximizing the review 1)Be prepared oDetermine discussion direction oAnticipate objectives oGather supportive documentation
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) IV.Conducting the Appraisal Review session - Maximizing the review 2)Set the right tone oEstablish a supportive environment oPrivate location – Maintain confidentiality oQuiet and undisturbed – Eliminate distractions oLevel playing field – Avoid superiority oTiming – Choose a quiet time
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) IV.Conducting the Appraisal Review session - Maximizing the review oDemonstrate Respect oTimeliness – Conduct reviews by due date oAppointments – Don’t act like the employee’s time is less valuable oAdvance notice – Allow the employee to be prepared oIcebreaker – Start on a friendly and relaxed note
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) IV.Conducting the Appraisal Review session - Maximizing the review oHave the best mindset oTone – Professional and supportive oFocus – Future goals and objectives oOpen-mindedness – Seek explanations oEmotions – Calm and centered
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: IMPLEMENTING MEANINGFUL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS (CONT’D) IV.Conducting the Appraisal Review session - Maximizing the review 3)Communicate Effectively Avoid communication roadblocks – Vague, evasive, derisive or derogatory language, poor listening skills, strong emotions, one- way conversation Improve communication skills – be clear and concise, be honest, not brutal, be an active listener and natural
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: DURING THE APPRAISAL PROCESS V.Potential Emotional Reactions a)Emotional Distress b)Hostility c)Defensiveness d)Denial
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: DURING THE APPRAISAL PROCESS (CONT’D) V.Potential Emotional Reactions a)Emotional Distress - employee becomes tearful or angry, but not aggressive oHow can you handle it? oBe patient oOffer privacy oSuggest rescheduling oOther ideas?
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: DURING THE APPRAISAL PROCESS (CONT’D) V.Potential Emotional Reactions b)Hostility - employee channels his/her emotions into aggression oHow can you handle it? oBe patient oOffer privacy oSuggest rescheduling oOther ideas?
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: DURING THE APPRAISAL PROCESS (CONT’D) V.Potential Emotional Reactions c)Defensiveness - employee makes excuses oHow can you handle it? Listen objectively Be compassionate Reinforce expectations Other Ideas?
PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: DURING THE APPRAISAL PROCESS (CONT’D) V.Potential Emotional Reactions d)Denial - employee insists your evaluation is incorrect oHow can you handle it? Listen objectively Investigate as necessary Provide supportive documentation Other ideas?
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 1.Instruct employees to complete self-evaluation (interactive PDF form via HR website) 2.Employees have maximum of ONE WEEK to complete and submit self-evaluation 3.Complete Performance Appraisal 4.First-line supervisors shall meet with Director or Dean for appraisals review prior to meeting with employee 5.Schedule meeting with employee
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCEDURES (CONT’D) 6.Conduct formal meeting with employee. Review Appraisal and determine goals, timelines, etc. 7.You and employee sign the completed Performance Appraisal form after the meeting 8.Forward copy to employee and turn in completed ORIGINAL form to Human Resources (ATTN: Brenda J. Balderaz) 9.If you have any questions please call (956)
SUCCESSFUL MEETING CHECKLIST oDiscuss each goal or objective established for the employee oExplore areas of agreement and disagreement oCover positive skills, traits, accomplishments and growth potential oReinforce employee’s accomplishments oDiscuss employee’s potential oCover areas in which change is required, expected, demanded or desired
SUCCESSFUL MEETING CHECKLIST (CONT’D) oSet objectives for next performance appraisal (or specific timeline) oHave employee sign appraisal to acknowledge having read it, and give employee an opportunity to comment in it in writing oIssue a Employee Improvement Plan when necessary oProvide employee goals to correct deficiencies within a specified time period oMake training/development recommendations oDiscuss consequences of non-compliance where applicable oThank employee for his/her efforts
Questions? Contact Mrs. Brenda J. Balderaz at or send her an at