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22nd April 2009 Appraisal e-Learning
Introduction and Course Objective Objective: By the end of this course you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the appraisal process Walkthrough of the Course: The structure and annual cycle of appraisals To know how to carry out an appraisal and how to develop objectives that are meaningful Personal development plans How to report the appraisal
The Structure and Annual Cycle of Appraisals Appraisals should be carried out annually for staff by their line Manager or their delegated Reviewer. They can be conducted at any time of the year, allowing managers to spread their appraisals over the year, so long as none have expired (longer than 12 months). In conjunction with this, staff should also have 6 weekly supervision as a minimum (for new starters or staff with more needs this should be more regular).
The Structure and Annual Cycle of Appraisals The appraisal should be cascaded down the management lines, so your manager should have their appraisal before you have yours. This way Trust objectives are translated down through to teams and then to individuals. However, if it is clear that waiting for a managers appraisal will delay other staff’s appraisals, then these should be completed anyway.
The Conversation The conversation at the start of the appraisal should discuss the previous year. How did it go? What has been achieved? Were there any difficulties etc? Then review last years appraisal (if there was one) and discuss whether all or some of the objectives have been met. If an objective has not been met it can be carried over into this years objectives if it is still relevant. Usually 4-6 objectives should be set and these should be SMART objectives.
SMART Work Objectives are: Specific - clear & well defined Measurable – know when it has been achieved Achievable – is there a realistic path to achievement Realistic – within the availability of resources, knowledge & time Timely – enough time? Not too much though, as this can negatively affect performance
Effective Objective Setting 4-6 SMART Ownership from the individual Appropriate for the job Cascaded down management lines
The Appraisal Meeting The appraisal has 2 parts: PART 1 – Review previous year’s objectives and develop this year’s objectives PART 2 – Personal Development Plan
The Appraisal PART 1 Objectives Review of last years objectives Were they all met? If not, why? New objectives for the coming year - a two way process between appraiser and appraisee
The Review PART 2 The Development Plan Identify short term development needs and discuss how these will be met Identify longer term development needs/career progression Can these be supported through development opportunities? See the ‘Training’ section on iconnect for current opportunities available
The Appraisal Environment It is very important to create an environment where the appraiser and appraisee feel able to talk openly and confidentially to each other. Hopefully with regular supervision from the previous year both parties will feel comfortable to talk freely and honestly to each other to make the review a worth while experience. There should be no surprises at an appraisal – issues should have been discussed on the job and at supervision sessions. The length of an appraisal varies but generally 1-1½ hours is average. The appraisal should take place confidentially in a quiet room with no interruptions.
How to Record an Appraisal There are 3 ways that you can record an appraisal: - ESR Manager Self-Service (direct onto the individuals electronic staff record) - Paper Copy signed and posted to Workforce Development - sent to Workforce Development with full name of employee/s and the date of their appraisal/s The preferred way to record is via ESR Manager Self Service, as this allows the individuals full appraisal (including objectives and the PDP) to be recorded on their staff record. It will stop you ever losing paperwork, as it will always be there and easily accessible.
ESR Manager Self-Service Managers can log in to ESR Manager Self Service (using the same method as you would to login into your OLM e-Learning account) and complete Appraisals electronically by selecting 'Reviews and Development‘. Full instructions are on i-connect via the following steps: 1. iConnect homepage ( 2. ESR Manager Self Service 3. Log Appraisals (Reviews and Developments)
Paper Copy to Workforce Development Appraisal forms can be found on i-connect via the following steps: 1. iConnect homepage ( 2. Training 3. Appraisals ( FORM TO BE RETURNED TO WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TEAM AT STAPLEFORD HOUSE)
Summary Appraisals can be completed at any time of the year, so long as the person is not out of the 12 month renewal period Reviews should be supported with regular supervision A review should be a two way discussion, allowing both parties to talk freely, openly and honestly with each other The appraisal must be recorded on the individuals Electronic Staff Record account – either by ESR Manager Self Service, via post to Workforce Development, or to Workforce Development
Further Support If you need any further information or support with the appraisal process or procedures, please contact the Workforce Development Team: Phone: / or Post: Trust Headquarters, Stapleford House, 103 Stapleford Close, Chelmsford, CM144WD Iconnect: TRAINING; APPRAISALS
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