Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 Teacher Appraisal and the Link to Pay The Governing Body’s Role Teresa Potter – Senior.


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Presentation transcript:

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 Teacher Appraisal and the Link to Pay The Governing Body’s Role Teresa Potter – Senior HR Consultant

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Aims of the Session  To address the role of the Governing Body in relation to the performance of teachers and their pay progression  To support governors in responding to reports on perfomance management outcomes, correlating information provided to them on the quality of teaching within the school 2

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Background Teacher Appraisal –aka Performance Management (PM) Regulations revised from September 2012 Effectiveness of PM added to Ofsted Inspection Reports Sharper focus following changes to teachers’ pay regulations from September 2013 Pay and PM are 2 of the areas forming the national dispute of 2 unions with Sec. of State Key changes include removal of experience points, as all pay progress linked to PM 3

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Governing Body Responsibilities  The GB has to agree a policy, monitor and review  The GB has to carry out the appraisal and performance review of the HT  Advised to delegate to a group of 3- no staff governors  GB receives report on the outcomes of PM, on training provided (CPD) and has to approve any pay progression 4

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Robust PM is important because :- Effective PM & linked CPD are key levers in School Improvement It provides info for GB in conducting self- evaluation & setting improvement strategies Appraisal informs targeted CPD Good employers manage staff effectively through recognition, direction, feedback Ofsted will look at correlation between appraisal outcomes, pay & quality of teaching data. Increasing expectation of GB Teacher Appraisal is statutory in LA schools Performance must inform pay awards 5

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Derbyshire Context  GBs have freedom to adopt own appraisal policy, but  LA has agreed a model policy with recognised unions  LA has also agreed a linked Teachers’ Pay Policy & a Competence Procedure 6

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Discharge of GB Duties(1) 1.Checking on effectiveness of Teacher Appraisal, HT Annual Report, questions:-  Process- meetings held, CPD delivered?  Appraisers trained/coached?  How Teachers’ Standards utilised?  Sample of Objectives – match SIP aspirations?  Reflect meeting/exceeding expected progress?  Anonymous PM outcomes, % objectives met?  Recommendations for pay progression  Evaluation/impact of CPD  Any attributable pupil progress? 7

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Discharge of Duties (2) 2. Checking the Effectiveness of HT appraisal:-  GB appoint appropriate External Adviser (EA)  Delegate to group with relevant skills etc  Usual to include Chair or Vice  Training/coaching for PM governors  Review performance of HT against relevant objectives, supported by EA  Make pay recommendation to GB Committee  Set new objectives, correlate to SIP aspirations & determine how to report to GB  Ofsted looking for rigour 8

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Discharge of GB Duties (3) 3. Adopt a policy for pay progression linked to performance  1 st year applicable to all, autumn 2014  Teachers informed September 2013  Freedom to change pay points, but  LA model policy, replicates previous main scale and upper pay range(UPR)  Pay decisions delegated to c’ttee, allows for appeal to a separate c’ttee 9

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Classroom Teachers  If not on max, policy provides for 1, exceptionally 2, points’ progression  May not apply for UPR until on M6  Allows accelerated progression for outstanding performance ( key)  Teachers could move through main scale in 3 years 10

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Upper Pay Range  Annual deadline for applications  Required to meet UPR criteria –based on previous post-threshold standards  Usually eligible for progress every 2 years  Pay policy defines ‘substantial & sustained’ performance required  Potential for annual progress through exceptional performance 11

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Leadership Group  Award of 1 point on ISR, until max  Criterion – ‘sustained high quality leadership’  Potential for 2 points for exceptional performance  Exceeding objectives, evidence- eg taking school out of SM quickly, improving attainment/progress substantially more than other schools  GB consider HT/team effort? 12

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Discharge of GB Duties (4) Correlation between Appraisal outcomes, pay & quality of T & L  Ofsted look for strong link between PM outcomes & salary progression  GB receives reports on standards & progress  Identify 3 year trends  Compare pupil progress overview with teaching info (subjects/key stages/vulnerable)  Receive reports on quality of teaching, % in each category, trends of improvement, links to CPD delivered? 13

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department continued  % of objectives met- broken down, subject, key stage etc?  No of teachers with successful appraisal at level of Teachers’ Standards?  At level of UPR criteria? (no. on max of range?)  Rates of successful pay progression? (+Equality Act categories & part-time) Individual outcomes are confidential! 14

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Challenge 1.Objectives mainly met but standards not improving – are objectives appropriate? Quality of Appraisers? 2.Standards level, objectives met or not met – CPD targeted & having impact? Level/focus of objectives? 3.Standards rising, objectives mainly met –appraisal probably effective. 15

Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Summary  Compare/triangulate all info-get advice?  Are particular categories of teacher achieving successful appraisal?  Is CPD focused, evaluated, followed up, shared, having impact?  Seek relationship between quality of teaching info and pupil outcomes  Any in-school variation addressed?  Ensure in-year SLT monitoring & benchmarking, question 16