Performance Management The means by which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs are aligned to the goals of the organization. Performance management is fundamental to performance improvement and organizational effectiveness
Why is Performance Appraisal Important to Guidance Counsellors? A properly designed and managed appraisal process is the most efficient and cost effective means of identifying and managing the guidance counsellor’s performance and developmental needs. It is also the best method to focus guidance counsellors on those activities that will deliver the greatest impact on the school’s learning culture.
Objectives of Guidance Counsellor Appraisal To standardize the process of evaluation across schools at all levels To provide for fair, effective, and consistent guidance counsellor evaluation in every school
Objectives of Guidance Counsellor Appraisal Cont’d To ensure that students receive the benefit of an education system led by guidance counsellors who are performing their duties satisfactorily To provide a system and a mechanism for effective coaching and monitoring of guidance counsellors To promote professional growth
What are the components of the Guidance Counsellor Appraisal Programme? Defining Performance Measuring Performance? (Appraisal) Providing feedback Planning Developmental Activities Monitoring
The Performance Evaluation Model The process should be on-going and involves a three-stage cycle Planning Monitoring Review
The Appraisal Team The Guidance & Counselling Education Officer The Principal Teacher Selected by the Appraisee Head of Department / Senior Teacher PTA Representative Student Representative (High Schools, Junior High & All Age Schools only)
The Appraisal Team (Cont’d) Each appraisal will be conducted by a team and not the Guidance & Counselling Education Officer alone. There should be no less than 4 persons on the appraisal team. The Supervisory Officer or his/her designate will conduct the final performance review meeting with the guidance counsellor.
The Appraisal Team (Cont’d) The appraisal cannot be conducted without the following persons: The Guidance & Counselling Education Officer The Principal A professional within the school chosen by the appraisee
Roles & Responsibilities of Key Players Guidance & Counselling Education Officer & Principal Assist guidance counsellors to understanding their responsibilities. Assist guidance counsellors to develop their Action Plans and setting performance standards. Monitor guidance counsellors’ performance. Keep a log of their activities. Provide ongoing feedback. Provide coaching & mentorship. 11
Roles & Responsibilities of Key Players GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR Know the mission, objectives & policies of the organization ( MOE & school) Know his/her job description Maintain & improve knowledge & skills Know & agree to performance expectations and assessment criteria Know & understand consequences for poor performance Produce & maintain output of high quality 12
The Appraisal Instrument The main body of the instrument is divided into five parts. Administrative Preventive Interventive Supportive Personal & Professional Development
Measuring Performance Rating Scale Each performance factor/attitude on the Performance Appraisal Form is rated in one of four categories Unsatisfactory: Performance not meeting position requirements & is therefore unacceptable Area of Concern: Performance is at minimally acceptable level & must improve Meets Expectations: Performance consistent in meeting all expectations Exceeds Expectations: Performance above average; exceeds requirements for the job.
Positive Approach to Appraisal Be proactive Be prepared Do self assessment Be objective Be communicative Be cooperative 15
The Appeal Process Should a guidance counsellor disagree with results of his/her performance appraisal. He/She should note it in the space provided on the appraisal form Discuss disagreements with the Supervisory Officer/Principal When all efforts to resolve has been exhausted an official appeal should be registered to the Chairman of the School Board All appeals must be in writing
The Appeals Committee The Committee will comprise Chairman of the School Board Supervisory Education Officer of the School Vice Principal/ Senior Teacher A teaching colleague (from the school)
The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more work (Dr The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more work (Dr. Jonas Salk) Have A Rewarding Day!!!