Teachers’ Appraisal and Pay Pete Gaskin Julie Chow Alison Trehearn Paula Shaw 1 12 July 2013
The big question… What we are trying to achieve is a process that delivers school improvement through pupil progress, provides appropriate challenge to, and enhances the skill levels of teachers, and provides transparent conditions for career development and salary progression. Is your school prepared? 2
In your school … What appraisal system is established? What is your current role in appraising and making pay decisions? What key area do you wish to cover today? 5 minutes 3
Aims Understand the political and legislative framework Be able to develop and use our policies for appraisal and pay in your school Have confidence to link performance review to pay recommendations in a consistent and fair way 4
Agenda Recent changes to pay and conditions Proposed changes from 2013 Working with the new policies Setting and measuring objectives Pay recommendations Pay decision making process Actions for governing bodies Actions for leadership teams 5
Recent changes Coalition Government, Secretary of State’s vision for education Reward good teachers Deal with poor performing teachers Give schools greater freedom Teacher standards introduced New Appraisal Regulations Revised Ofsted framework 6
Proposed changes1 Same process for annual review on 1 September 2013 Different process thereafter… One set of standards for all Five pay ranges No advanced skills /excellent teacher range or standards New ‘leading practitioner’ range 7
Proposed changes2 Minimum and maximum ranges No mandatory pay points No pay protection for new appointments Fixed term TLR3 Relaxed guidance on recruitment and retention incentives or benefits Freedom around threshold progression 8
Proposed changes3 1% pay award accepted No automatic pay progression Pay progression linked to performance: Appraisal outcomes Assessment against the standards Can withhold progression outside of formal capability proceedings 9
Working with the new policies Model policies have discretions Can tailor to suit individual schools Discretions are marked in blue Advice is marked in yellow 10
Appraisal policy discretions Appraisal period Appraisers Relevant Standards Means of assessment Career Stage Expectations Observation Protocol Planning and Review Papers 11
Pay policy discretions Responsibilities: recommending/deciding Pay range ‘points’ or something else Pay on appointment Descriptors / expectations for each ‘point’ Expectation on progression Threshold application process Structure, including allowances 12
Roles and responsibilities Teachers Appraisers Senior Leadership Team Head Teacher Pay/Resources Committee Governing Body External Adviser(s) 13
Take a break… Take the opportunity to share any learning points with colleagues. 10 minutes 14
Objective setting Appointing appraisers Skills, experience and understanding What do you want to achieve? How many objectives? SMART 15
Objectives should… Be challenging Be reasonable Support school improvement priorities Enable pupil progress Relate to the job description Have regard to work life balance Evidence skill and pay progression 16
Measuring performance Good or exceptional? 20 minutes 17
Pay recommendation What would you award? To the M1 teacher To the U1 teacher Consider this with the six and three point ranges. 15 minutes 18
Decision making process set objectives moderation review moderation recommend moderation decide confirm in writing appeal 19
Actions for Governing Bodies Update, consult and adopt the Teachers’ Appraisal Policy Update, consult and adopt the Whole School Pay Policy Communicate the policies to staff Facilitate training Monitor implementation of the policies Budget for pay decisions from
Actions for leadership team Participate in training Draft the policies for governors Make recommendations on discretions Link objectives to improvement priorities Apply consistently and fairly Communicate the changes Report back to the Governing Body 21
Aims Understand the political and legislative framework Be able to develop and use our policies for appraisal and pay in your school Have confidence to link performance review to pay recommendations in a consistent and fair way 22
Agenda Recent changes to pay and conditions Proposed changes from 2013 Working with the new policies Setting and measuring objectives Pay recommendations Pay decision making process Actions for governing bodies Actions for leadership teams 23
What have you learned? Evaluation and follow up Any questions? 24