Economic Investment Appraisal Cost and benefit analysis of the BHP Ravensthorpe project Winnie Kwok
BHP Ravensthorpe Project Background –The nickel industry –The Ravensthorpe project Financial Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis
The Nickel Industry Nickel is mainly used in making stainless steel Recently the demand has exceeded the supply
The Nickel Industry Firms can’t easily increase supply 2 types of nickel ores: sulphide and laterite Laterite is abundant but difficult to process
The Ravensthorpe Project BHP is investing $1.9 billion in a new technology for processing laterite ore. Production capacity Successful technology – 44.5 M tones/annum Unsuccessful – 29.5 M tones/annum
Financial Analysis Estimate the expected financial return, with consideration to the following: Capital expenditure Operating cost Tax Depreciation/amortisation Royalties ……
Cost Benefit Analysis Estimate the expected cost/benefit, with consideration to the following: wages environment social discount rate infrastructure – housing …….