EASY e-HR ® Automate your HR database in an easy way!
EASY e-HR ® 2 Main benefits It can be uploaded and implemented in a few weeks Easy-to-use, requires only a brief user training Faster data entry at "All-in-one" surfaces Exportable reports, statistics by only 1 click Short lead time to further develop
EASY e-HR ® 3 Starting surface Customizable „All-in-one” starting screen
EASY e-HR ® 4 Modules – Data entry Data entry Managing Recruitment Searches & Interview Process Incoming CV's of Candidates Managing Job Advertisements Data of Employees Job profiles Details of Training Sessions
EASY e-HR ® 5 Recruitment process All data of searches and interviews can be tracked in the same place
EASY e-HR ® 6 Incoming CV's 1. After filling essential data of CV’s, candidates matching the searches can be automatically filtered
EASY e-HR ® 7 Incoming CV's 2.
EASY e-HR ® 8 Job Advertisements Based on the data of the advertisements, reports show the cost-benefit analysis and assessment of advertising sources
EASY e-HR ® 9 Data of Employees All key data of employees in 1 place
EASY e-HR ® 10 Job profiles The requirement system of jobs is used by other forms and reports
EASY e-HR ® 11 Details of Training Sessions Attendance & assessment sheet data to fill in
EASY e-HR ® Automated, exportable reports 12
EASY e-HR ® 13 HR reports 1. HR reports –Headcount per department –Employees In & Out –Job & salary changes –Distribution statistics (age, sex, job etc.) –Jubilees –Health limitations –Attrition cause analysis
EASY e-HR ® 14 HR reports 2. Example: Headcount cross-table per organizational unit
EASY e-HR ® 15 Training reports 1. Training & development reports –Trainings of employees –Participants for trainings –Due training status for departments & employees –Trainer performance appraisal –Training hours statistics –Training costs
EASY e-HR ® 16 Training reports 2. Example: Participants for trainings
EASY e-HR ® 17 Recruitment reports 1. Recruitment reports –Recruitment sources appraisal –Open & closed searches status –Applicable candidates for positions –Interviews history –Advertisements efficiency –Recruitment cost efficiency analysis
EASY e-HR ® 18 Recruitment reports 2. Example: Status of searches & interviews
EASY e-HR ® 19 Recruitment reports 3. Example: Status of open searches with cycle time
EASY e-HR ® 20 Modules - Templates Automatically printable mail merge templates –Employee contracts –Unique agreements –Brochures, communication materials, handouts for individuals