20:20 vision Aligning smokefree policy with health David SmithEducation for Change Stephanie CowanEducation for Change
2 Smokefree Policy step one of the Systems First model Evidence PolicySystems Education Patient Roles Intervention
Education for Change 3 expresses commitment demontrates importance directs action blurred policy can confuse and misdirect energy and action Smokefree Policy
Education for Change 4 initial hospital smokefree policies heavily focused on smokefree environments in 2004 only 1 of 18 (5.5%) DHB smokefree policies included clinical practice 1 provided little mandate to address issues relating to identification of smokefree status and smokefree intervention provided support for various “myths” Smokefree Policy 1 Identifying and addressing exposure to smoking for patients in New Zealand Hospitals. S Cowan & L Langley. 2004
Education for Change 5 Systems First project has supported policy revision review against Smokefree Hospital Best Practice Standard provides useful analysis appraisal of policy also offered DHB vs hospital smokefree policy Smokefree Policy
Education for Change 6 Smokefree Policy Source: Momentum 110, 31 July 2006
Education for Change 7 revision of policy generates positive focus formal documentation of rationale for revisions provides basis for communication with staff, patients & general public supports consistent discussion of revised policy especially in settings beyond reach of smokefree coordinator Smokefree Policy
Education for Change 8 As of of 14 DHB smokefree policies specify that the smokefree status of every patient is to be identified – 57% 11 of 14 DHB smokefree policies specify that every smoke-exposed patient will receive advice/support – 78.6% Smokefree Policy 1 Smokefree Hospitals Initiative. DJ Smith. Report to Ministry of Health. 2007
Education for Change 9 clear policy can be understood and embraced by all staff Smokefree Essentials has proven to be an effective tool for helping staff “get it” “it really aligns our policies with our business and values – which are about health and wellness” (SCDHB) Smokefree Policy
20:20 vision Aligning smokefree policy with health For further information contact: or visit The Systems First Project is funded by the Ministry of Health