1 Presented by Media Services Media Specialists Connections and Issues Training: November – December Zone Based Meetings
2 Be sure to sign in for attendance credit! Agenda Announcements Big6™ Update Program Topic: Media Coordinator Performance Appraisal Instrument – Revised (MCPAI-R) Media Services Wiki
3 Announcements: From your survey results: Media specialists are using Big6™ to collaborate with teachers and leverage information and technology skills (92%). DPI has new Essential Standards for Information and Technology Skills! Use the DPI Website and look under ACRE.DPI Website Other Updates?
4 Big6™ Update: We will continue to implement the Big6™ model across the district! As part of the Strategic Plan 2014, we are looking for 100% participation. Media Services is in the process of developing online webinars with Mike Eisenberg which should begin in January 2011.
5 How does the MCPAI-R differ from the New Teacher Evaluation Instrument? Media Coordinator Performance Appraisal Instrument – Revised (MCPAI-R) MCPAI-R is the evaluation instrument that is used by CMS for all certified media specialists.
6 Comparison to the new teacher evaluation instrument: MCPAI-R has three functions –Teaching and Learning –Information Access and Delivery –Program Administration
7 NC Professional Teacher Standards Evaluation Instrument has five functions –Teachers Demonstrate Leadership –Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students –Teachers Know the Content They Teach –Teachers Facilitate Learning for Their Students –Teachers Reflect on Their Practice
8 NC Professional Teacher Standards Evaluation Instrument has five functions –Teachers Demonstrate Leadership –Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students –Teachers Know the Content They Teach –Teachers Facilitate Learning for Their Students –Teachers Reflect on Their Practice Comparison to the new teacher evaluation instrument: MCPAI-R has three functions –Teaching and Learning –Information Access and Delivery, Evaluation, and Use –Program Administration
9 Create three folders to collect evidence as it occurs related to the MCPAI-R! Principal / Administrator Expectations: Individual Growth Plan (IGP) versus Professional Development Plan (PDP) worksheet Both documents expect evidence.
10 There is a Matrix Data Source that explains the observation functions and issues! Formative Observation Document Instrument (FODI): Section I is based upon two areas –Page 1 reflects observations during the school year –Page 2 reflects observation during a specific visit
11 FODI - Section I, Page 1:
12 FODI - Page 2:
13 FODI - Page 3:
14 FODI - Page 4:
15 FODI - Page 5 (Start of Function Area II):
16 FODI - Page 6 (Start of Function Area III):
17 FODI - Page 7 (End of document):
18 View from online FODI Form
19 Attempt to communicate regularly with your supervisor through status reports, value added services (example: MMIS, Tech Contact) or provide monthly reports on your program. Key is to Communicate! Have you requested time with your principal or assistant principal to learn of their expectations and outline goals? Have you completed your IGP and requested feedback?
20 Observations: Liquid Office / MyPam Outlines the resources for observation evaluation and specific instructions for conducting the media specialist evaluation.
21 All homework assignments are due within 10 days from today’s workshop for credit! CMS Wiki Homework is required after each session. Pick up worksheet on the CMS Wiki. Look for the topic of the workshop, then find the link for the homework assignment.
22 MCPAI-R Resources located within the Media Services Wiki:
23 Please post your “Best Practice” Ideas to our Wiki! Training Schedule Please pick up a copy of the training schedule before you leave! Look for the list for either Elementary or Secondary levels. Next month! Big6™ Webinar and / or CMS Wiki Online Assignment.
24 We Must Advocate for Our Profession. Our Jobs Depend on it! Final thoughts: What is the mission of your school media center program? Is this mission statement posted?